Thursday, July 27, 2017


Wait!  Yes that's the key word.  The flowers are buds now but they will bloom and blossom into pretty flowers with a sweet fragrance! They will not always remain like this.

But unfortunately, some of us have either not heard  the word wait or did not come across it in any dictionary or so it seems.

Everything happens at the RIGHT time, the RIPE time, also known as the PERFECT TIME.   It is the promise of nature, promise of time itsef and a promise of the highest  order which does not bend to anyone's need, desire or convenience.   It will happen when it is ready.  Nothing will delay it and nothing will hasten it.

All we need to do is keep trying, keep building the mountain of effort and do our very best.  Yes, sometimes circumstances are beyond our control.  We do not  control anything.   In fact we control nothing.  Hence, we should not even pretend that we do.  By trying to be in control we often mess up everything and let all our efforts go in vain.

The beauty of every progress and success lies in the path of patience, which is guaranteed to end in a magnificent destination.   We all get what we deserve and our level of patience decides for us. The higher the level, the more the certainty and greater the destiny.

Patience keeps whispering to us to wait.  But we are in a rush.  Ignorantly we turn deaf to that soft but consistent whisper and damage our success.  A little more patience could have made us see a miracle but we gave up even though we were so close.  Sometimes in our haste we are blind to our own success and let everything collapse right in front of our own eyes.

If only we had waited, what a huge difference we would have made to ourselves.

Wait,  wait, please wait!   Have patience!   No matter how hard it may seem it has a lot attached to it.  At the end of the string of patience lies your dream.
"Hold on," as LONG as you have to.