Thursday, July 19, 2018

Where are the REAL people?

Where are they?  Do they even exist?
They do !  Where are they?  They are not visible anymore.  You have to squint real hard to spot one, and one will be really  fortunate to spot one.  

All that we are dealing with are virtual people, people who only exist in the  social  media world or in text messages.  So much so, when you make a phone call, you get to speak to recordings or are directed to go visit website. 

When we go places, everyone is busy on their phones or tablets or laptops.  You meet your own family members, who actually live with you, on social media or through "text messages."

All voices have been drowned , all eye contact is diverted, all handshakes have gone cold.  Everything has been replaced by virtual actions.  We thrive in each others imagination,  we communicate by a touch system called smartphones and we celebrate by abbreviations like "hbd", ttyl, tysm, cngrts or just emojis.  

Thats life today!  
No real people.  No voices.  No handshakes or hugs.  Nothing!  We are all running out-of-time for each other to spend some alone time with technology.  

Its a DEAD world when people have silently drifted to a virtual existence.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Maybe One Day !

The morning alarm, sparrows chirping, breezing winds, wake me up in the morning.

My office is routed through a tunnel, which is always busy on traffic. Cars honking, pedestrians arguing, free music playing by the pillar, school kids singing from inside the bus, college girls talking loudly, working married women complaining to husbands while getting a dropped to work, water gushing through a broken pipe, I hear all the voices, and that’s not all.

I have a voice in my head that ignores all the other and gives me bizarre things to think about. Global warming, designer clothes, fishing, weekend activities, movie dates, dinner at my favourite restaurant, my office schedules, my meetings, my break up story. But my searching heart longs for more and more, it looks for a voice that I have never heard before. Maybe one day my searching heart will find what I am looking for.

At times, the voice in my head says I want designer clothes, or warm nice food, or just a warm hug, or just a smile, or some wine. It directs me to high boots, in the catalogues, the bags, the watches. But, my searching heart is looking for more and more. Maybe one day I will find the right collection that my searching heart wants. But then I don’t get satisfy by the choices and voices in my head.

My mind is trying to bottle me up in the same repeated life, with less salary, with my peers liking my jobs, my boss appreciations. My searching heart yearns for more. It is just one thing that it wants.

My searching heart wants to be like a butterfly, to fly, to create a stir in the world. It is the only thing that I look for.

Maybe one day I will find what my searching heart is looking for.

A flight that I long for. A pair of wings that I want to borrow. A little direction on the horizon is what my eyes want to see. Maybe one day my searching eyes will see what is it looking for.