Friday, March 15, 2019

Built & Split

Have you ever given some serious thought
On what now my stray mind has got taught
Oh! How to build and not to split
Oh! How to weave and not to slit.

While trying to create I deem
It takes almost an era it seems
When we simply run out of patience
Trying our best to somehow hasten.
Eventually we see the fruit of our endeavors
Of all our hard work and toilsome labor.

But once you set your mind to destruction
To raze to ground all your construction
Mind you: it takes hardly even a second
To crush, to demolish and to abandon.
For to build, it is as tough a task
As simple it is to destroy and discard.

The blossom of friendship, so delicate and rare
The essence of which is to understand and share
It originates and blooms in not a single day
But takes years to flourish, flower and sway.
How long do you think it takes to wither and fade?
You just need to pluck it before long it's dead.

The comfort of home, your little cozy nest,
Where your heart belongs, and your mind rest.
It drains you of strength, when you plan and build it
When you collect your resources and every bit
This too is banished in a matter of moments
With merely a few harsh words and ugly comments.

Why split at all what you have built in decades
Just stay strong before everything fades
Life is meant to add and multiply
The good, the better and the best
To overcome the hurdles and the tests.