Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Just as we have millions of justifications for our every action,  we should similarly justify others'  actions.   Look for  reasons, excuses and justifications for others and not fault, insanity or stupidity.

How come, I  repeat, how come when we do something,  no matter how weird, how silly or how selfish it is, we ALWAYS justify it with very valid reasons............while, when others do exactly the same, we are quick enough to label it as RIDICULOUS.

What does not make sense to ourselves, does not make sense to others as well,  when we do it.  We are using a double standard and that seems okay to us. If others are not perfect,  neither are we.  Why do we always have 2 sets of rules? Why does this always happen?   The rules that we make for others, NEVER apply to us.  Nobody is above law, but we certainly push ourselves above any and every law.  How long are we going to keep playing the game of injustice?  How long can we escape justice?  Not for long!  Deceiving others is a high quality of self deception.   Everyone of us excels in it.  It's amazing!

Lets make laws for others that are lawful and laws for ourselves that's not  unlawful.

Before and above law comes morality and humanity.  Being humane puts everything in order where from grows a healthy  infrastructure.

Actions are to be justified based on our morality and principles,  not on our  vested interests and height of mentality.  What goes on in our mind, ensues from our mouth and shapes our actions.   Let's not elevate ourselves by putting others down.  " It's  not JUSTIFIED."