Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Life :(Puddles, Oceans, Bridges)

Life :
(Puddles, Oceans, Bridges)
by Zeba Amodu 

Everyday we have to jump puddles,
Swim across an ocean, move hurdles  
Sometimes we will have to trudge uphill 
Or even swallow bitter pills.

Journey of life is never easy and smooth, 
We have to dwell in the thorns to reach for the fruit,
The path is lined with obstacles and bars,
We have to reach for the moon, to fall among the ⭐ 

But if we are steady in the process 
We will cross the bridge to success 
Glory will come to those who persevere,
Not to those who sit, wait and fear.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Life is not supposed to be normal.

Life is not supposed to be normal. 

If life is normal, something is missing, 
Sorrow adds purpose to life, 
Purpose adds challenges,
Challenges brings struggles,
Struggles leads to goals, 
Goals add meaning 
Meaning gives directions 
Directions leads to destination 
Destination brings strength 
Strength builds confidence 
Confidence inspires courage 
Courage is a way to success. 
Success carves roads, 
And the journey begins!
An ongoing journey,  a journey to somewhere 
A path to everywhere and anywhere. 
Search for what is missing in life......
If life is normal !
It's not supposed to be normal.

Friday, June 4, 2021

I am not part of the Community

Over the decades I thought that I was part of the community.  I was complacent, life was easy and it all felt good.  Everytime anything went wrong, I blamed the community......and carried on.  Each time I needed help I went back to the community and fought for my rights.  

But deep down I felt something was not right.  I was doing what I thought was the right thing to do.  Then I happen to wonder where the benefits I drew from the community were coming from?  I delved deeper into my thoughts.  I got more curious.  I was baffled by my own questions.  I always got what I wanted,  but how?  Where was all this coming from?  I peeped deeper till I almost bend double and could stretch no more.

It all dawned on me.  There were people just like me who were busy putting things together for me.  They were just like me.  While they worked hard, I sat back and kept demanding.  I pushed it to them to find solutions to the problems that I created.  I realized for the very first time that the Community is part of me.  I am the Community.  I make the community.  You and me make the community.  We make the community.

Suddenly I felt so strong, so useful and so important.  I realized my responsibilities.  How much rests on my shoulders.  How much there is for me to catch up on.  What a difference I can make!

I wanted to do my job of being helpful.  I wanted to build the community.  But I couldn't figure out how?  How do I build the community?  Of course just like how you build a house.  A Community is like a house 🏡.  But the house 🏡 is not just an empty structure.  What about the rooms, kitchen, bathrooms and it's many other segments ?  Yes!  Got it now!  I have to get in the house 🏡 to actually build a 
house 🏡.  Here is what I discovered.  To build a community, just like to build a 🏠, you have to be inside the 🏠, similarly, you have to be in the community.  We cannot distance ourselves from the community and build the community at the same time.  Not possible!  No way!  Let's get in.  Let us bring the community inside of ourselves.    Let us make the community part of us before we can call it home 🏡.  

And that is how we build ourselves.  Build a community and thereby build yourself.  It is simply not possible to build yourself in a broken Community.  Our selfishness of just building ourselves and neglecting the community will one day shatter everything that we have built and we will be back in the community seeking help from a source where we deposited nothing.  What can we expect from there?  Should we even be expecting anything?  Something to think about.  Right?  

When we help build a community, we are home.  We have built a dwelling for ourselves while trying to accommodate others.  Here lies the comfort and happiness.  

It took me a very long time to realize that I am not part of the community, but the community is part of me.  I play a very important part in the community.  Funny eh?

Friday, March 19, 2021

Being Together !


Working alone independently is a great idea, but working as a team could be better.

Minding your own business is an excellent approach. But reminding others can benefit them.

Isolation could be peaceful but celebration and being together is strength.

United we stand and can uphold a great cause.  Divided we fall and lose the purpose.


A thousand languages !

The sunset sky speaks a thousand words,
In a thousand different languages.
It unfolds the beauty of the night to follow,
And announces the beauty of the morning to commence.
The sky is set to speak it's ❤️ heart
It has a message for those who understands. 
What is beyond that setting 🌞 sun ?
There is hope, that never dies !

(My words, my treasure - Zeba Amodu).

Friday, January 29, 2021

Comedy 😂 on request ?

I know an individual, who has no sense of humor.  But the individual thinks he/she is funny.  Now that's some comedy 😂!

I often see that individual, serious face ! Yes, always very worried, anxious, depressed, sad, frustrated.... but claims he/she likes to laugh a lot!  Now that's some comedy 🤣!

That individual is unpredictable.  It's takes that individual a long while to realize.  That individual likes to go back and dig up things that didn't matter then, but matters now!  Now that's some comedy 🤣😂

While something important is going on, that individual is busy doing some other important thing.  Now that's some comedy!

That individual should not be expected to be in a certain mood all the time.  The individual has different timing for different mood.  For that individual, rain and shine is according to the individual's mood and temperament.  Now that's some comedy 😂☺️!

I have mixed experience with that individual.  It's a roller coaster ride.  Big Issues are ignored, petty ones doesn't go past.  Now that's some comedy 😂🤣 !

That individual sees things like no one else does.  It's his/her way or the highway.  
Now that's some comedy 🤣😂 !

But that individual makes me laugh so 😝🤣 much.  I have never before laughed so much.  Every encounter is hilarious 🤣.  Now that's some comedy 🤣🤣 !

My Dreams

What's my dream?  Yes I am a daydreamer.  I dream at night 🌃 too.  In fact, let me see, yes, I dream all the time.  That's my favorite thing to do.  Dream away and keep dreaming.

So, what exactly is my dream ?  My dream is everyone's dream ❣️.  I am a dream merchant.  I buy and sell dream.  I will dream with you, for you,  along with you and will help make your dream come true.  

This has been my dream from childhood 💞.  When someone or anyone's dream come true I guess my dream comes true too.  And, this is my dream !  My only dream !  

You know what ?  I don't even have to worry about myself.  My dream just unfolds right in front of my eyes 👀.  I hop from branch to branch and see 🙈 who else I can dream with.  It's not only fun, it's an adventure, a journey, an exploration.  

Are you dreaming ?  Can I join you ?  Let's dream together and reach for the ⭐✨ stars.  Together, we can bring so much happiness.  

Your dream, my dream can light 🕯️ up into everyone's dream ❣️.  Let's make each other's dream come true.