Friday, January 29, 2021

Comedy 😂 on request ?

I know an individual, who has no sense of humor.  But the individual thinks he/she is funny.  Now that's some comedy 😂!

I often see that individual, serious face ! Yes, always very worried, anxious, depressed, sad, frustrated.... but claims he/she likes to laugh a lot!  Now that's some comedy 🤣!

That individual is unpredictable.  It's takes that individual a long while to realize.  That individual likes to go back and dig up things that didn't matter then, but matters now!  Now that's some comedy 🤣😂

While something important is going on, that individual is busy doing some other important thing.  Now that's some comedy!

That individual should not be expected to be in a certain mood all the time.  The individual has different timing for different mood.  For that individual, rain and shine is according to the individual's mood and temperament.  Now that's some comedy 😂☺️!

I have mixed experience with that individual.  It's a roller coaster ride.  Big Issues are ignored, petty ones doesn't go past.  Now that's some comedy 😂🤣 !

That individual sees things like no one else does.  It's his/her way or the highway.  
Now that's some comedy 🤣😂 !

But that individual makes me laugh so 😝🤣 much.  I have never before laughed so much.  Every encounter is hilarious 🤣.  Now that's some comedy 🤣🤣 !

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