Sunday, December 30, 2018

Here I am.......2019 !

I am 2019......a brand new year.  They call me Happy New year !  I am not sure about that.  I am New.  That's right!  Happy or not that's up to you.  Not me!  Don't blame me for your unhappiness, mishaps, failure nor do I take the credit for your sensible choices.  It's about you all along.

I am here to present you with another year of opportunities, chances, choices, decisions and so much more.  Good or bad is not my responsibility.  It's all yours.

A period of 365 days is your very own.  Do what you wish.  Waste it or taste it.  Use it or misuse it or even abuse it.  You control it, you patrol it, you scroll it.

I partly depend on how you utilized 2018 and what you expect in 2020.  What you sowed last year, you will be harvesting from me and what you plant in me, you will be reaping in the coming year.

Use me well.  Don't confuse me with 2018.  It's the past, or diffuse me with 2020.  It hasn't happened.  I am present.  A gift.

A gift of another year of your life.  I am precious and so are you.  If you wish to use me well, it is Happy.

Make me an awesome year and an awesome experience and part of your life.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2019 ......... about to begin !!!!

2019 is just a few days away.  We are all so excitedly waiting for a brand new year.  Anxious to know what 2019 will be like...!

While we are waiting for 2019, have we any idea what tomorrow will be like?  What the next moment will be like?  We are clueless.  Right?

This is life.  2019 will come and go like a few hours or so.  Before we know it, it will be history.  All that will be left will be remorse.  We will be sighing and wishing that we had done something or anything.

Life is all a matter of surprises and shocks.  A single phone call, a knock at the door or a letter in the mail can change everything.... drastically.  Our whole world can be shattered in just a second.

Live for the day, pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

Let's end 2018 well to begin well.  Let nothing roll by, while we stand still.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


I may have fallen behind,
But I am not worthless.
I faltered because of unfavorable circumstances,
But I am not a kicking stone.

You may assess me however you feel like
But I have hidden values,
It will show up when time will permit,
Time has pushed me down, it will pull me up.

You are where you are today,
Because of the mood of time.
It hustles, it bustles and rolls up and down,
It never stays at one place, time moves around.

Time was mine, now it's yours
It will leave you soon to go elsewhere.
We all wish that good time will stay
But look at that, it just went away........