Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2019 ......... about to begin !!!!

2019 is just a few days away.  We are all so excitedly waiting for a brand new year.  Anxious to know what 2019 will be like...!

While we are waiting for 2019, have we any idea what tomorrow will be like?  What the next moment will be like?  We are clueless.  Right?

This is life.  2019 will come and go like a few hours or so.  Before we know it, it will be history.  All that will be left will be remorse.  We will be sighing and wishing that we had done something or anything.

Life is all a matter of surprises and shocks.  A single phone call, a knock at the door or a letter in the mail can change everything.... drastically.  Our whole world can be shattered in just a second.

Live for the day, pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

Let's end 2018 well to begin well.  Let nothing roll by, while we stand still.


  1. Very well said. Good luck to everyone. I did tired to make everyone happy by surprise nd love . allah knows the best . our good deeds is only between me nd allah . hasbi allah. All the best Dua.
