Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My farewell message : 2019

Hope you are all having a great 2019. However, I am going to miss some of you who could not make it to the end of this year.  But anyway I have to carry on.  Soon I will be gone.  Gone forever.

I am about to end my journey of 2019 and board a new train of time called 2020.  Yes you are right.  It's an interesting and unique four digit number.  Guess what, I am so excited about it.

Like every other year, 2020 will be a span of 366 (mind you it will be a leap year) days, 12 months, 52 weeks, 366 days, ....... minutes and ......... seconds.  That's about it!  That is all I will be able to give you.  Nothing more.  I cannot guarantee you anything else.  Neither joy or peace or health or or success.  It will be all yours to fill it up as you want.

Only one important message I have.  Make use of each and every second that I have left for you.  I go by very quickly before you can even realize.  I don't want you to fill it with regrets, sighs and moans.  I am never coming back.

Make good choices, follow the right path, appreciate everything that comes your way and be grateful, no matter what.  Use me wisely and keep moving forward.  Let not go of any opportunity and get over all mishaps as though they never happened.

Begin well to end well!  Think about it!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Just as we have millions of justifications for our every action,  we should similarly justify others'  actions.   Look for  reasons, excuses and justifications for others and not fault, insanity or stupidity.

How come, I  repeat, how come when we do something,  no matter how weird, how silly or how selfish it is, we ALWAYS justify it with very valid reasons............while, when others do exactly the same, we are quick enough to label it as RIDICULOUS.

What does not make sense to ourselves, does not make sense to others as well,  when we do it.  We are using a double standard and that seems okay to us. If others are not perfect,  neither are we.  Why do we always have 2 sets of rules? Why does this always happen?   The rules that we make for others, NEVER apply to us.  Nobody is above law, but we certainly push ourselves above any and every law.  How long are we going to keep playing the game of injustice?  How long can we escape justice?  Not for long!  Deceiving others is a high quality of self deception.   Everyone of us excels in it.  It's amazing!

Lets make laws for others that are lawful and laws for ourselves that's not  unlawful.

Before and above law comes morality and humanity.  Being humane puts everything in order where from grows a healthy  infrastructure.

Actions are to be justified based on our morality and principles,  not on our  vested interests and height of mentality.  What goes on in our mind, ensues from our mouth and shapes our actions.   Let's not elevate ourselves by putting others down.  " It's  not JUSTIFIED."

Friday, March 15, 2019

Built & Split

Have you ever given some serious thought
On what now my stray mind has got taught
Oh! How to build and not to split
Oh! How to weave and not to slit.

While trying to create I deem
It takes almost an era it seems
When we simply run out of patience
Trying our best to somehow hasten.
Eventually we see the fruit of our endeavors
Of all our hard work and toilsome labor.

But once you set your mind to destruction
To raze to ground all your construction
Mind you: it takes hardly even a second
To crush, to demolish and to abandon.
For to build, it is as tough a task
As simple it is to destroy and discard.

The blossom of friendship, so delicate and rare
The essence of which is to understand and share
It originates and blooms in not a single day
But takes years to flourish, flower and sway.
How long do you think it takes to wither and fade?
You just need to pluck it before long it's dead.

The comfort of home, your little cozy nest,
Where your heart belongs, and your mind rest.
It drains you of strength, when you plan and build it
When you collect your resources and every bit
This too is banished in a matter of moments
With merely a few harsh words and ugly comments.

Why split at all what you have built in decades
Just stay strong before everything fades
Life is meant to add and multiply
The good, the better and the best
To overcome the hurdles and the tests.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Watch your words,

WORDS can do so much, so much damage, so much healing, so much fun, so much progress and much more magic.  It's all about words, wordings and word.  Words add worths and and reduce worth.  Too many words can cause too many confusion, misunderstanding, chaos, break ups and, at the same time too little words can create doubts, unspoken words, regrets etc.

Every words, spoken or written  can change the story, add meaning, hurt, heal, and so many tricks that we have no idea of.  Every word matters.  Every extra word can be too much or take away everything.   Words should be well chosen and thought about BEFORE we spit it out.  Once out, its becomes other people's  property.  We have lost it.