Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My farewell message : 2019

Hope you are all having a great 2019. However, I am going to miss some of you who could not make it to the end of this year.  But anyway I have to carry on.  Soon I will be gone.  Gone forever.

I am about to end my journey of 2019 and board a new train of time called 2020.  Yes you are right.  It's an interesting and unique four digit number.  Guess what, I am so excited about it.

Like every other year, 2020 will be a span of 366 (mind you it will be a leap year) days, 12 months, 52 weeks, 366 days, ....... minutes and ......... seconds.  That's about it!  That is all I will be able to give you.  Nothing more.  I cannot guarantee you anything else.  Neither joy or peace or health or or success.  It will be all yours to fill it up as you want.

Only one important message I have.  Make use of each and every second that I have left for you.  I go by very quickly before you can even realize.  I don't want you to fill it with regrets, sighs and moans.  I am never coming back.

Make good choices, follow the right path, appreciate everything that comes your way and be grateful, no matter what.  Use me wisely and keep moving forward.  Let not go of any opportunity and get over all mishaps as though they never happened.

Begin well to end well!  Think about it!

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