Sunday, May 31, 2020

Surprises of 2020

It started like any other year.  A brand new year with brand new hopes, brand new enthusiasms, brand new wishes.  We all looked forward to what would awaits us in 2020.

2020 was exciting.  Like every year, it had its surprises.  But we were not ready for the shock that 2020 unleashed.

2020 did not spare anyone.  It hit everyone fair and square.  It showed no mercy.  It was indiscriminate.  It all happened fast, its fury went around the globe.  It sent us home.  It grounded us.

It turned out to be an extraordinary year.  We practiced social distancing like never before.  We covered our faces, we walked hand in gloves, we lived and moved under restrictions.

It had a lot to say that we were not ready to hear.  Everything went beyond our expectations and imagination.  It distanced us, isolated us and caught us unaware.

It has just been five months.  A lot more to go.  Let us be ready to embrace whatever comes our way.  Let us be strong and steady and face the storm like never before. Rainbows will show up soon.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Unspoken words - leave it unspoken ?

In my endeavor to pen unspoken words, I walked into unspoken deserts of unspoken disappointments.  Let those words be stiffled and left trapped forever.

I tried to get those words across.  I didn't want to nest it in my chest forever.  But it was not meant to be.  Unspoken words met disappointment, was misunderstood and misinterpreted.  Unspoken words did not travel unspoken miles.  Unspoken words did not go far........ very far !  It returned home.  It returned unheard.

Were unspoken words of unspoken comfort?  Did unspoken words kindle any heart ?  Unspoken words heal any unspoken wounds?  Unspoken words celebrated unspoken joy?

No ! Unspoken words were returned.  Unspoken words were laid to rest.  Unspoken words were silenced.  Unspoken words will remain unspoken.  Forever !!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Building a Community

At Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF), Pompano Masjid,  we are building a community. We update you with Community news and current events and spiritual messages.  We share your talents and achievements, your love of food, your cooking skills, your favorite sports and outdoor activities etc.  We root for each other's success and growth. We are building the nation by closing gaps and dissolving differences. 

We are helping each other heal and recover.  We give Dawah and welcome our New Muslim brothers and sisters.  We take special care of our youth so that we can keep improving our community for generations to come.
At ICOSF we are a family, one nation, one Ummat.  We believe in unity.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020



There was no Taraweeh congregation to welcome the Holy month.
Fasting started but there was no Community iftar
We missed each other so much more
We missed Masjid more than before.

We stayed home and practiced social isolation.
Our hope on Allah was our consolation.
The days went by, the month went by
Our imaan went low and high,
Sometimes we were sad,
Sometimes we were glad.

Although we missed so many aspects of Ramadan,
But we continued to do whatever we can
Our ibadat, our salat and siyam and Qiyam
Alhamdulillah we did our best
And we leave to Allah the rest.

May He accept it, forgive us and shower us with His Mercy.