Sunday, May 31, 2020

Surprises of 2020

It started like any other year.  A brand new year with brand new hopes, brand new enthusiasms, brand new wishes.  We all looked forward to what would awaits us in 2020.

2020 was exciting.  Like every year, it had its surprises.  But we were not ready for the shock that 2020 unleashed.

2020 did not spare anyone.  It hit everyone fair and square.  It showed no mercy.  It was indiscriminate.  It all happened fast, its fury went around the globe.  It sent us home.  It grounded us.

It turned out to be an extraordinary year.  We practiced social distancing like never before.  We covered our faces, we walked hand in gloves, we lived and moved under restrictions.

It had a lot to say that we were not ready to hear.  Everything went beyond our expectations and imagination.  It distanced us, isolated us and caught us unaware.

It has just been five months.  A lot more to go.  Let us be ready to embrace whatever comes our way.  Let us be strong and steady and face the storm like never before. Rainbows will show up soon.

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