Friday, August 14, 2020

Negativity ? No more please !

Optimism is what we need to cultivate in our lifestyle.  Positive mindset will prevent us from tarnishing the environment.  Otherwise we will find ourselves living in constant fear and insecurity.  Often, before making any effort, whatsoever, we kill our plans with our own hands and call them off.
Rather than exploring and taking chances with what can be done, we start rejecting and eliminating what cannot be done.  We lose interest because of our own inconsistency and are quick to blame it on anything and anyone but our own incompetence.  

Rome was not built in a day.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Such golden words are extinct now. 

 In today's world of technology, we have ignorantly put our faith in touchscreen, meaning to say, instant action.  That is fantastic but fantasy.  We have to get back to reality and let it happen while we continue to strive towards our goals.  

Every goal is an indefinite journey.  We get to decide how we get there.  We can make it so exciting and easy.  Sometimes, the journey itself can be so rewarding that the goal doesn't matter, because it becomes obvious that we had a very productive adventure all along.  The distance between the plan and the goal is what matters and moulds us.  This is the beauty, the real essence.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Zeba, Planning to achieve a goal is the first and the most crucial step. This journey can be rewarding and satisfying because it can give you a sense of accomplishment and control in your life. Think about the dry leaves that flies here and there with wind. When we set our goals and start our journey then we change from dry leaves to a seedling.
