Monday, August 17, 2020

It's my life ! My journey !


I set out on my ⛵ boat on a journey of my own.  My cravings for adventure and discovery is ceaseless.  An endless expedition to nowhere.  I just wanted to travel, to move forward, to keep moving.

My restless mind set new targets every morn, my restless heart beat with new rhythm every dawn and my restless eyes wandered in new directions every moment.  I traveled endlessly.  All I wanted was to go on.

I wanted to reach for the 🌟 s, jump to the moon and bask in the sun.  I had new dreams, new hopes and vast imagination. Failure leapt at me but could never grasp me.  I rescued myself from its grip and focused only on the horizon of success.  

Success was in my dictionary, my vocabulary and my mind but I kept adding new definition to it.  I defined my own success, carved my own path and designed my own plans.  

I set no boundaries for I wanted a journey that could chase success and go beyond the horizon.  I challenged challenge and met challenges like eyes meet 🌞 rays every morning when you draw the curtain.  

How and where I will end my journey, I know not.  But whenever and wherever my boat lands,  I want to see contentment awaiting me. Peace ✌️ embracing me and honor 👑 crowning me.  That is my journey !  That is my destination.  Just where I want to be!

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