Thursday, August 20, 2020

Invisible Virus is Visible Everywhere ! Watch out !

What does INVISIBLE mean?  Not visible to naked eyes?
Microscopic?  Hidden? Concealed? Undisclosed?  But certainly not undiscovered or uncertain in the case of this virus. The Corona virus is lurking large, distinct and crystal clear.
Corona virus started as a doubt, transformed into fear, took shape as a disease and was unleashed as a death sentence. It is unseen yet fatal.  It is microscopic yet faster than speed.  But what I really want to talk about is, whether the Corona virus is invisible like we think?
No ! It's distinct and clear and can be seen, felt and heard.  It is making a big explosion, a big noise, a big scene and a big impact. It is everywhere.

What is really baffling about this virus is, it's telling a lot.  A lot more than we ever knew. It discovered us, revealed us, exposed us and stripped us.  

Let me now explain your question.  I know what leaped in your mind.  How?  Isn't that your question?  Aha!  That's it !
To begin with, self isolation led to what?  Nothing, other than self discovery.  We had alone time, all the time to ourselves that we could ask for.  We got to know who we actually are.  What we actually want, who we exactly want in our lives, how we were occupied with the irrelevant matters and people, who mattered and who didn't.  A whole package of self discovery.  

We realized what was safe for us, where  the hidden risks were, what threatened our health and peace ✌️, who embraced us and stayed with us, and who embraced us but were never with us.

We had family time, quality time with our loved ones, enough time to understand each other and appreciate each other.
Above all, most importantly, it dawned on us that we control nothing, absolutely nothing.  All our resources, power, fame, degrees were reduced to nothing.  Something prevailed above all this.  The Only One Who is in power and controls everything.  We are as helpless as a newborn baby.  We are reborn everyday.  Every morning we start all over again.  

It took  just a virus to humble us.  Tell us who we are and where we belong !!


  1. True words .... And very well framed words to add interest of the read till the end. ..
    All proves ...He has all the powers to protect us and can destroy us with a invisible object.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He promised us that He will never destroy us with water or fire ... Yes He has more ways to remind us

  4. Very insightful and thoughtful.
