Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dreaming with others

Dreams can turn into reality when you pursue them wholeheartedly.  But my dream is an entirely different texture.  I dream about others, with others.  I live to help others realize their dreams.  I am their companion while they chase their dreams.

In this lies embedded my joy.  Yes, it not only sounds weird, it is weird.  Who ever heard of such absurdity.  But everyone has definitely heard of bringing happiness.  This is my way of doing so.  

Talking about dreams, oh no, don't get me wrong!  I don't sell dreams.  I am no dream merchant.  I just walk along and make one believe that their hopes are possible.  I hold their ✋ hands, steady their steps and help them walk down the path to their dreams. No don't take me literally.  It's just an expression.  But what I mean to say is, I am with them and extend them the much needed support and quietly disappear as they approach their dream and are about to turn them into REALITY. 

But that's not what I want to say.  That's what I want to do and that's what I do.  Here comes the part where I go overboard.  I sound desperate, eager, interested, too nice, too kind and so much more.  I shatter my own dream.  I wasn't helping.  Now I am hurting!

Therefore, I dream alone.  And that's exactly how I started becoming all that I am. By helping others, I built my own dreamland.  I lived up to my own dream.  Here is my message, Keep dreaming!  Dream alone !

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