Tuesday, September 22, 2020

LET THEM KNOW.........!

Let them know.  Say it all.  Leave nothing unsaid.  Let nothing sit in your chest or nest in your head.  Say it in words, say it in actions.  Make a difference.  Be a carrier and put the message across.  

If anyone has made a difference to you or someone else, let them know.  It's an incentive.  Be motivating.  Encourage good deeds, good thoughts and good actions.  This itself is a good deed. It's a mother of good deeds for from here ensues more and more goodness.  

Let them know, tell them all.  Don't keep it to yourself.  Make others feel good about themselves. Good deeds attract more good deeds.  Be attracted to good deeds, be attracted to good people, be attracted to good soul.  

Spread goodness, sprinkle kindness and spark compassion.  Let them know happiness, let them know the joy they have brought, let them know the meaning they have added to someone's life.  Let them know what they mean to you and what they mean to the world.  

Let them know.  Don't hide.  Don't shy.  Let them know how you feel, how much you love, how much you care and how much you want to share.

Love is in the air and so is sadness.  Let sadness go by but reach for joy.  Have eyes for love and hope for joy.  Share your tender feelings......... let it out !

LET THEM KNOW.........!


  1. What a wonderful msg and a great reminder. We’ve forgotten these things. Thankyou
