Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wrong answer is not wrong! It is a move..........

All solutions to the most difficult and critical, issues originated from somewhere.  Yes, it kicked off with a wrong answer.  That wrong answer was an attempt towards the right direction.

All great and accurate solutions were bottled up wrong words which were rejected till an attempt was made to reach for the right one.  Nothing jumped out of the box and fixed and healed everything and everyone,  everywhere.   It all happened in the course of time...........gradually and eventually.  

To further add flavor to this great motivating idea, the starting may not have been very helpful, productive or progressive.  It was disappointing, frustrating, confusing, all ended well.  There you Go!

Let not the fear for being wrong hold us back from being right.  It is the attempt that counts.  Reminds me of an old proverb, "Failures are the pillars of success."  So true.  Let us be wrong, let us make mistakes and that is okay.  Every mistake we make, kindles our path towards the solution.  

Next time someone snaps at you for your follies, stand up to it, look into their eyes, admit your error and say with a smug look,
 "I am learning, and so will you, from our mistakes."  

No lesson is learnt without making blunders or meeting disappointments.  WRONG answer is a knock at the RIGHT door.

Is blaming a remedy?

Problems land on us from various sources and directions and in all shapes and sizes.  We thrive amidst these and sometimes we survive easily and sometimes it becomes a real challenge.   We are constantly battling with some species and brand of problem or the other.

Blaming others is a quick fix but temporary and self damaging.  Blaming self and taking responsibility is a a permanent fix and a mature approach.  Blame self, claim responsibility and build yourself. 

Blaming others is not a solution, but is in itself a problem.   It is like adding to problem.   Here I will like to quote the saying I have been hearing since childhood.   "Adding salt to injury."  This is how I feel when we have the tendency to shelve the problems on others, especially our own personal problems.  

Efforts to accuse others is just an escapist approach.  We deprive ourselves of timely help and justice and end up doing injustice to ourselves.  There is no rescue from problem other than facing it.  The more we flee, the more it chases us.  Be brave and stand up to it rather than looking for others shoulders to dump your own problems.   Sooner or later it will find its way back to you.

Blame self.......claim solution.   
Blame others.......prolong solution.  

Social Media Camouflages

What appears in social media is what and how we design it, tailor it and present it, which is sometimes far, far away from reality.  Social media is fed scraps of the real activities, spiced up further by photoshop,  and ellaborated upon by captions and details which are mostly exaggerations.
As a result of social media, we cannot imagine half of the things we are compelled to do.  We show kindness, are more charitable, more caring, loving, considerate etc.  That is how our posts portray us.  To add  to it, it even makes us seem wiser and smarter, even if all that we are doing great is sharing the post.

The glimpses of our life that show up on social media make us look so good that we become our own admirers.  At times it also makes us sad and we wish that we did have such a great and flawless life.

Social media is the only place on earth where we can be whatever we want to be.  It is a place where imagination has wings.  It is an arena where enemies are friends.  It is a land where everyone and everything appear to be more than perfect.  

Social media is a mode of advertisement for what media does.  It enhances, embellishes, promotes,  leaving it is up to the audience to accept or reject.  But on a broader context, whom are we deceiving?  Other than ourselves?

Social media is a kaleidoscope and nothing more.  Let us confine it to that and keep in mind that if the whole picture happens to pop up, it will be no match for what is being presented.  Let us keep room, a lot of room for the imaginative skill of our friends and not get carried away.  

Social media is a platform to socialize, to meet and greet, to enquire about each other's welfare of each other, to sympathize, to comfort, to reconnect, to reconcile and to built.  Instead, it is used for self promotion, self praise, self glorification and anything and everything to do with SELF.  

Thank you to the designers of social media who have brought friends and enemies together but unfortunately could not keep them together.  If only there were an option that dissolved all differences and made us care for each other rather than  dare each other and gear a battleground to compete with each other. 

Go easy, Oh! Please.

Take it easy and also remember, go easy.  We often take for granted that others should live up to our expectations and function on our desired level.  But aren't we forgetting something?

Think about it, while we are suffering from a dangerous disease called superiority complex, we should remember that not everyone is a victim of this virus.  Looking down upon people because of their incapability, shortcomings, helplessness is the lack of foresight.  

We show irritation when others cannot catch up with us or delay us and feel very pompous when others are unable to enjoy life the way we do.  But have we ever taken a second to see or realize that we are not equal.  In fact we are different in so many ways.  

Go easy on people who we feel are falling behind, BECAUSE, there are millions of others whom we are falling behind in millions of ways.  There is always someone better than us, more prettier, more wealthy, more healthy, stronger, smarter, faster, who feels the same way about us.  How does this make you feel now?  

Just like the way we visualize others, we are also seen in just the same way.  Would you like to be rushed, pressurized,  looked down upon, under estimated?   Would you?  All you would ask for is a little consideration, a little more time, some extra help to get back on track and move on, right?  Why not do the same with others.  

Where we are positioned, if we find people behind us, there are people ahead of us too.  If there are people shorter than us, there are others standing tall as well.

But unfortunately what we do is just see ourself and forget the rest.  

Home is where the heart belongs

"Honey, I'm home!"  Is what I feel like saying when I am at some of my favorite places.  Well, I happen to have quite a few places where I love to be.  At the, not really.  At the movie, I find it dark, gloomy, noisy and busy.  Not my kind of place to be.   At a restaurant.........maybe, for some quiet time with a cup of coffee.

The point is, not everywhere we are comfortable,  no matter how nice or beautiful or expensive that place maybe. Any place that brings joy to our heart, coolness to our eyes and pleasure to our soul is home to us, no matter how plain and simple it may appear to be. 

Sometimes, we just happen to bond with the place and like to visit it over and over again.  It may just happen to be a place where we do not need to pay any fee or purchase anything.  We can just be there and feel very blessed and grateful.

To some of us, perhaps, our home is just a tastefully decorated house with expensive furniture,  upholstery, paintings, ornaments and just that.  Nothing much!  We also happen to overspend on vacations which give us no peace nor contentment.  

The point is, home does not come with money or popularity.   It is just a place where we love to be.  Any place that attracts our soul, our very being, is HOME.  Just like our body cannot exist without a heart, we cannot call any place home where our heart does not belong.  

Similarly,  people who love us and make us comfortable are family.  Family is not only about blood relations or people who we live with.  Anyone who deeply cares for us is FAMILY.

Home is a place which holds our heart, a place where our heart repeatedly keeps coming back to...........!