Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Home is where the heart belongs

"Honey, I'm home!"  Is what I feel like saying when I am at some of my favorite places.  Well, I happen to have quite a few places where I love to be.  At the, not really.  At the movie, I find it dark, gloomy, noisy and busy.  Not my kind of place to be.   At a restaurant.........maybe, for some quiet time with a cup of coffee.

The point is, not everywhere we are comfortable,  no matter how nice or beautiful or expensive that place maybe. Any place that brings joy to our heart, coolness to our eyes and pleasure to our soul is home to us, no matter how plain and simple it may appear to be. 

Sometimes, we just happen to bond with the place and like to visit it over and over again.  It may just happen to be a place where we do not need to pay any fee or purchase anything.  We can just be there and feel very blessed and grateful.

To some of us, perhaps, our home is just a tastefully decorated house with expensive furniture,  upholstery, paintings, ornaments and just that.  Nothing much!  We also happen to overspend on vacations which give us no peace nor contentment.  

The point is, home does not come with money or popularity.   It is just a place where we love to be.  Any place that attracts our soul, our very being, is HOME.  Just like our body cannot exist without a heart, we cannot call any place home where our heart does not belong.  

Similarly,  people who love us and make us comfortable are family.  Family is not only about blood relations or people who we live with.  Anyone who deeply cares for us is FAMILY.

Home is a place which holds our heart, a place where our heart repeatedly keeps coming back to...........!

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