Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Is blaming a remedy?

Problems land on us from various sources and directions and in all shapes and sizes.  We thrive amidst these and sometimes we survive easily and sometimes it becomes a real challenge.   We are constantly battling with some species and brand of problem or the other.

Blaming others is a quick fix but temporary and self damaging.  Blaming self and taking responsibility is a a permanent fix and a mature approach.  Blame self, claim responsibility and build yourself. 

Blaming others is not a solution, but is in itself a problem.   It is like adding to problem.   Here I will like to quote the saying I have been hearing since childhood.   "Adding salt to injury."  This is how I feel when we have the tendency to shelve the problems on others, especially our own personal problems.  

Efforts to accuse others is just an escapist approach.  We deprive ourselves of timely help and justice and end up doing injustice to ourselves.  There is no rescue from problem other than facing it.  The more we flee, the more it chases us.  Be brave and stand up to it rather than looking for others shoulders to dump your own problems.   Sooner or later it will find its way back to you.

Blame self.......claim solution.   
Blame others.......prolong solution.  

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