Sunday, May 21, 2017

Make a matters!

  I would have done it, if only  I had money, time or more strength, etc.  No, that's not true.  We don't need any of these things to make a difference. All we need is the will, intention and determination..... and we have the magic wand to make a difference!

What may be small and insignificant to us may be a whole world of difference to someone else.  But little do we realize this. We just seem to take our own time wait to acquire vast resources before deciding to help.  Help does not only mean some kind of materialistic help.

It is more about making a difference in a good and positive way.  All we need is a little effort to bring joy, to put a smile on a sad face that had lost its smile, to comfort a person who has lost hope, to motivate someone who has reached the edge of his life and to uplift the spirit of lost and wandering souls.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How serious are you?

The other day I saw a post on social media and it triggered a spark in me.  Wow, I thought to myself that it is so true.  Now listen to this,

Everything is easy, when you are crazy  
 Nothing is easy, when you are lazy 

How very true.  What I think is, if it matters to us we find a way to do it, but if it does not matter we find a way to put it away.  When we want to do something, there is no but and if. We will lick it and knaw at it like a dog would a piece of bone.  We will get to the very bottom of it.  We will leave no leaf unturned.  We will just not rest till we have achieved it.  That is the evidence of the magnitude of our interest and seriousness.   

Hence, there is no point in deceiving ourselves by believing that we would have done it if we had time or some help or something else.  These are just flimsy reasons that show our lack of interest or our level of priority.  

What is important,  remains important no matter what.  There is always a reason  and a way to what matters to us.  The minute we have a 'but' attached to it, let us honestly admit that it does not mean anything to us.

If we are serious we will get to it.
If we cannot get to it, there is no seriousness. 

Stop blaming, start claiming

We are all so addicted to blaming.  We blame others for any and every bad thing that happens to us.  Our failure, our disaster, adversity, sickness, divorce etc. etc. The game of blame is not only easy, it is very addictive too.  In fact, it is the only game we are good at.  It needs no practice, no experience,  no acumen, no NOTHING.   It is just so natural and so inborn.   

As infants our every discomfort is our mother's  fault.  Our brought up is our parent's incapability.   Our shortcomings are their negligence.  Our bad grades are our teacher's responsibility.   Our inability to get a good job is the emplyer's discrimination.  Our unsuccessful marriage is due to our uncompromising spouse.  Our disobedient offsprings are blamed on the environment and society.  Our ill health is because of our irresponsible children.  The list of blame goes on and on .......!  

Are we responsible for anything at all?  Are we ever at fault?  Are we ever wrong.  The answer is simple and easy and contains only two letters.  "NO!"  We can never ever be held accountable for anthing at all that may have gone wrong.  
While we are audacious enough to CLAIM all credit and praises for ourselves,  we outrageously dump the BLAME on others.  By doing so, are we gaining anything?   Is it helping us in any way?  

Definitely not!  We have indeed fallen in the bad habit of blaming, but it is never too late and think othwise and start claiming responsibilities for the errors and failures that we had to face.  Think for a moment.   Just like the way we are blaming others, so are they blaming us.  We are being blamed for things that we have no knowledge of or have anything to do with.  Are we okay with that?  I don't think so.  This is injustice, right?

The huge favor we will be doing to ourselve is to be courageous enough to CLAIM responsibility for all our setbacks and  generously discharge others from all such accusations.   Remember we are not responsible just as others.  So.....let us stop the game and claim the blame.  Our welfare lies in taking the blame and rectifying them and learn from them to be cautious in future.  

Blaming others is the shortest and easiest way to failure.
Claiming responsibility is a tough but sure way to success.