Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How serious are you?

The other day I saw a post on social media and it triggered a spark in me.  Wow, I thought to myself that it is so true.  Now listen to this,

Everything is easy, when you are crazy  
 Nothing is easy, when you are lazy 

How very true.  What I think is, if it matters to us we find a way to do it, but if it does not matter we find a way to put it away.  When we want to do something, there is no but and if. We will lick it and knaw at it like a dog would a piece of bone.  We will get to the very bottom of it.  We will leave no leaf unturned.  We will just not rest till we have achieved it.  That is the evidence of the magnitude of our interest and seriousness.   

Hence, there is no point in deceiving ourselves by believing that we would have done it if we had time or some help or something else.  These are just flimsy reasons that show our lack of interest or our level of priority.  

What is important,  remains important no matter what.  There is always a reason  and a way to what matters to us.  The minute we have a 'but' attached to it, let us honestly admit that it does not mean anything to us.

If we are serious we will get to it.
If we cannot get to it, there is no seriousness. 

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