Sunday, May 21, 2017

Make a matters!

  I would have done it, if only  I had money, time or more strength, etc.  No, that's not true.  We don't need any of these things to make a difference. All we need is the will, intention and determination..... and we have the magic wand to make a difference!

What may be small and insignificant to us may be a whole world of difference to someone else.  But little do we realize this. We just seem to take our own time wait to acquire vast resources before deciding to help.  Help does not only mean some kind of materialistic help.

It is more about making a difference in a good and positive way.  All we need is a little effort to bring joy, to put a smile on a sad face that had lost its smile, to comfort a person who has lost hope, to motivate someone who has reached the edge of his life and to uplift the spirit of lost and wandering souls.