Sunday, December 31, 2017


Yes we will !
May this year be a year of Peace, Joy and Prosperity for everyone everywhere.

May this year be a year of fulfilment of dreams and hopes.

May this year be a year of success, strength and courage.

May this year be a year of contentment and self sufficiency.

Thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting on "Unspoken words."

Unspoken words would have remained stifled without you.....confined without you.  Thanks for sharing it, thanks for spreading it.

In 2018, I have a lot to share with you and learn with you.  

May it be the BEST year of our lives and every year to follow keep getting better and still better.

2018 : Here we come !

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 4

Knock ! Knock !
Who's there?
2018 is knocking at the door.  We are just a fews days away from brand new year.....a new brand of year.  Yet so much can happen in such a little time.

No one knows which one if us will make it to 2018.  No one will know even till the midnight of December 31 who will cross the dusk of 2017 and set foot on the dawn of 2018.

Anyway let us focus on what lies ahead of us.  We are about to set foot on a new era, a time frame of new promises, a chance to build new memories, to reconcile with old relations and develop new ones and many unspoken true feelings and emotions. 


Monday, December 25, 2017

Goodbye 2017 !

While we bid farewell to 2017 with heavy hearts and tearful eyes, guess what!

Time to review and recollect :

Let's get started !  


2017 had it's good and bad days, easy and tough times, boring and interesting periods, fun and scary moments and all kinds of good and bad experiences.  

New people came, some old ones walked away from us, while  some left the world and became memories.  

There was so much to learn, to explore, to realize, to discover, to uncover.  We matured, changed, shrivelled and bloomed.  We gained strength and confidence, while simultaneously losing hope, energy, interest, stamina and a year of our lives.


We built up so many memories, instances that made us happy, sad, laugh, cry, angry etc.  

Places we went to, events we attended, situations we faced, shocks we incurred, fears we overcame.  Wow!  Its a whole rainbow of remembrance! 

2017 could be the last whole year of our lives, could be the end of so many episodes,  milestones or beginnings of chances and changed circumstances.

No matter what!  Lets be thankful and contented.  2017 will not reappear but it will always be cherished.  

GOODBYE 2017 !

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 3.

Let's REVIVE :

A brand new year is around the corner with brand new opportunities.   Let's revive all that dwindled,  fainted and blew away.  Let's drag it back and restore and revive what we can and all we can.  

Lets bring back the smile on the sad faces, peace where there is disturbances, optimism where there is darkness, dismal and disappointment and replace stress with calm and tranquility, and spray love over walls of hatred.  

We have work to do........ BEFORE 2018 comes knocking at our door.

Can we do it?  Yes, yes and YES!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

We are all stories !

We are all stories, some kind of story.....sad, happy, short, voluminous or some other categories.  We dont know.  Nobody knows.  We may know how we started but none of us know the ending of our stories, even after our stories have ended.

Yes!  We are each definitely the author of our stories but are short of the words and the time to write the ending.   Destiny holds the ending and this ending is based on our introduction and body of our lifelong episode.  Some stories end before it begins, some are very short stories, some are scary, some are unbelievable.  

But no matter what and how the stories maybe, the interesting part is who knows who will live to read and narrate whose story.  While today we are reading stories, tomorrow our stories will be read.  

We are writers of our stories.  Our stories which will be rewritten  according to the reputation we will leave behind.  Our achievements may not be seen by others as our glory but as how and what we made others feel and how we treated them.  What impact we left behind and what differences we made.  

Today we are so conspicuous,  so significant, so glaring but soonafter everything will faint and fade away and from story we will be history.  We will be forlorn and forgotten and remembered once in a while.  

Yes we are all stories.  And it will all begin with, "Once upon a time....."
Nothing more.........!  

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 2

Let's make a vow to ourselves for 2018.

We will march forward, we will keep walking, heads held high and NEVER give up.  Nothing will deter us because we are determined.

Giving up is like accepting our weaknesses, our incapabilities, our laziness and other aspects that we can easily overcome but refuse due to NO reason.

Let 2018 be a year of strength, courage and patience.  Let it be a year of accomplishment.   We will not give up  till.....we have achieved everything or something.  We can do it.  All we need is time and DETERMINATION. we come.  There will be no termination or elimination but determination.  
We know we can and we will.  WE WILL!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 1

Here comes December, the last month of the year, the time to look back at the year-long achievement, but most importantly the time to look ahead to a brand  new year.

It's time to celebrate the forthcoming year.  Celebrate the hopes, the plans, the wishes, the desires, the goals, the target, fulfilment of dreams and so many schemes.

We all like to dream, dream BIG.......
Build hopes, reach for the Stars, long for the moon. Well, this is the time ! The ending that announces the beginning.

Let's end to begin, finish to start, drop to pick, stop to resume.  Yes this is that time of the year.......that magical time when we bid farewell to say welcome.  It's all so mixed up with so much contrast and contradiction.

December is the exit to an entrance.  We pack up to unpack. It's a threshold when we dismount to take another bus.

We are at that crucial point, when a lot is going on in our minds.  Mixed feelings between what we have achieved and what we want to achieve.  

What's going on in your mind?  Share it with us !

Stay tuned for BlogCEMBER Part 2 on December 13.