Tuesday, December 12, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 2

Let's make a vow to ourselves for 2018.

We will march forward, we will keep walking, heads held high and NEVER give up.  Nothing will deter us because we are determined.

Giving up is like accepting our weaknesses, our incapabilities, our laziness and other aspects that we can easily overcome but refuse due to NO reason.

Let 2018 be a year of strength, courage and patience.  Let it be a year of accomplishment.   We will not give up  till.....we have achieved everything or something.  We can do it.  All we need is time and DETERMINATION.  

2018.....here we come.  There will be no termination or elimination but determination.  
We know we can and we will.  WE WILL!


  1. We are very determined to achieve everything good we dream off about 2018. With the blessing and mercy of Almighty Allah, we will all have a success story to share with each other by this time next year 2018-Ammen.

  2. Insha Allah. Ameen. Thanks for your inspiring words.
