Sunday, December 17, 2017

We are all stories !

We are all stories, some kind of story.....sad, happy, short, voluminous or some other categories.  We dont know.  Nobody knows.  We may know how we started but none of us know the ending of our stories, even after our stories have ended.

Yes!  We are each definitely the author of our stories but are short of the words and the time to write the ending.   Destiny holds the ending and this ending is based on our introduction and body of our lifelong episode.  Some stories end before it begins, some are very short stories, some are scary, some are unbelievable.  

But no matter what and how the stories maybe, the interesting part is who knows who will live to read and narrate whose story.  While today we are reading stories, tomorrow our stories will be read.  

We are writers of our stories.  Our stories which will be rewritten  according to the reputation we will leave behind.  Our achievements may not be seen by others as our glory but as how and what we made others feel and how we treated them.  What impact we left behind and what differences we made.  

Today we are so conspicuous,  so significant, so glaring but soonafter everything will faint and fade away and from story we will be history.  We will be forlorn and forgotten and remembered once in a while.  

Yes we are all stories.  And it will all begin with, "Once upon a time....."
Nothing more.........!  

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