Thursday, February 15, 2018

Problems are Roots !

I decided to dedicate this month to PROBLEMS and I want to convey the important message that problems are not a problem  at all.  They are our Support & Help.

Let's compare problems to the root of a tree.  Life is a tree, which has leaves, branches, flowers, fruits and most importantly  ROOTS.  Can the tree exist WITHOUT the root?  Definitely NOT!

Just like the roots hold the tree to the soil and the earth, problems give us the foundation of  existence.  Without problems,  there would be no direction, no experience, no courage, no strength, no patience no endurance.  Everything ensues from problems. 

The tree faces all weather and seasons, from scorching heat to heavy snow, and nonetheless stands its ground and does not collapse.  Even when very strong winds can bring the tree down  but the roots remain and it can grow back.

Just like the root keeps the tree alive under all conditions,  problems are not deadly, but our saviors.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

You have a problem? So do I !

Problems come in all shapes, sizes, colors, anywhere, everywhere, anytime, every time, all along etc.  In fact, life is all about problems.  Nothing else!

Guess what!  We are so focused and haunted by the problems.  It can just surface from nowhere, everywhere.  So, what can we do?

Nothing!  Nothing can be done about it.  Just keep solving the problems and wait for more.

But on the brighter side, have we realized that just like life is full of problems, it is also abounding with solutions.  Problems and solutions goes ✋ in ✋.  They thrive together and make life much more interesting and easier.

Every problem solved is a step to achievement, satisfaction and success.  Think about it, if there was no problem will there be a word called solution or achievement or SUCCESS.

Problems does not lead us NOWHERE.  It leads us SOMEWHERE.

Problems add meaning and purpose to life.  It empowers us with experience that is found nowhere in the absence of problem.

Problem is a gift.  It unwraps many discoveries, knowledge, inventions, maturity, wisdom etc.

Problem does not come alone.  It comes in a bunch.  Every problem is a bud to a beautiful blossom.  Just like a bud is a beginning to a beautiful flower, a problem is a beginning of achievement.

Every problem is a direction to the road of VICTORY.  Enjoy your problems, welcome them, embrace them, hug them tight and squeeze the solution buried in it.

Problems will go if we stand our ground and don't try to dodge it.  Face it whole and square.  It's there to teach us to reach out for the endless promises that life has stored for us.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Now &Then : A sad state of affairs.

Back then and now......time has changed everything and everyone.......everywhere.

Then people had everything other than money and degrees .
Now people have degrees and money and nothing else.

Then people had feelings, manners and humanity.
Now these are old fashioned and obsolete.

Then communication was difficult and people found ways to communicate.
Now communication is easy and people find excuses not to communicate .

Then aunts and uncles were treated as parents.
Now parents are treated as aunts and uncles.

Then teachers were respected as guardians.
Now teachers are proved wrong and challenged by students.

Then even a year older person were treated with respect.
Now everyone is the same and no one deserves respect.

Then few people were rich while everone were middle class.
Now few people are very rich while everyone is below poverty.

Then people lived within their means.
Now people live beyond the limit of their credit cards.

Then sibblings were close like puppies and kittens.
Now cats and dogs are closer than siblings.

Then people had time for everyone and everything.
Now people have no time even to think.

Then people promoted peace and unity.
Now people promote only "themselves."

Then people traveled far and wide to meet family and friends.
Now people travel far and wide to avoid family and friends.

Then people accommodated family and friends .
Now people help to book hotels and motels.

We have no idea "What we have replaced with what!"