Thursday, February 1, 2018

Now &Then : A sad state of affairs.

Back then and now......time has changed everything and everyone.......everywhere.

Then people had everything other than money and degrees .
Now people have degrees and money and nothing else.

Then people had feelings, manners and humanity.
Now these are old fashioned and obsolete.

Then communication was difficult and people found ways to communicate.
Now communication is easy and people find excuses not to communicate .

Then aunts and uncles were treated as parents.
Now parents are treated as aunts and uncles.

Then teachers were respected as guardians.
Now teachers are proved wrong and challenged by students.

Then even a year older person were treated with respect.
Now everyone is the same and no one deserves respect.

Then few people were rich while everone were middle class.
Now few people are very rich while everyone is below poverty.

Then people lived within their means.
Now people live beyond the limit of their credit cards.

Then sibblings were close like puppies and kittens.
Now cats and dogs are closer than siblings.

Then people had time for everyone and everything.
Now people have no time even to think.

Then people promoted peace and unity.
Now people promote only "themselves."

Then people traveled far and wide to meet family and friends.
Now people travel far and wide to avoid family and friends.

Then people accommodated family and friends .
Now people help to book hotels and motels.

We have no idea "What we have replaced with what!"

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