Thursday, February 15, 2018

Problems are Roots !

I decided to dedicate this month to PROBLEMS and I want to convey the important message that problems are not a problem  at all.  They are our Support & Help.

Let's compare problems to the root of a tree.  Life is a tree, which has leaves, branches, flowers, fruits and most importantly  ROOTS.  Can the tree exist WITHOUT the root?  Definitely NOT!

Just like the roots hold the tree to the soil and the earth, problems give us the foundation of  existence.  Without problems,  there would be no direction, no experience, no courage, no strength, no patience no endurance.  Everything ensues from problems. 

The tree faces all weather and seasons, from scorching heat to heavy snow, and nonetheless stands its ground and does not collapse.  Even when very strong winds can bring the tree down  but the roots remain and it can grow back.

Just like the root keeps the tree alive under all conditions,  problems are not deadly, but our saviors.


  1. Very insightful and so true thank you for opening us up to this idea that problems are not always a bad thing like they may seem but they are a way to help us grow

    1. I am learning along with you and I love to share my ideas with my readers.
