Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Let's explain....!

Do we need to?  Do we have to ?  Explain what ! What did I do?
Isn't it so unnecessary that we keep giving explanation?  Do we owe anyone any explanation.....at all? 

The answer is NO.  We don't owe anyone any explanation unless we have wronged them.  Period.  But what happens when we try explaining?  It seems that we are trying to convince someone which is none of their business anyway.  The more we explain, the more the question ❓❓❓ inflicted on you and it all ends up with feeling guilty.  In other words, it doesn't end up well enough.  

So, what's the solution when interrogated or interviewed by random people trying to make a conversation ? 'Stick to the point.'. Not a word more, not a word less. Or maybe sometimes, no words at all.  

Words are not the only tools of communicating.  Try silence or 👀😈 even facial expressions 😂.  It works!  Believe me!  

We owe no explanation to no one!  It's that simple.  Don't ask, don't tell.  Yes don't put the other person in that awkward position that he has to explain himself while he is struggling to rescue himself.  We wouldn't  want to be trapped in such a situation.  

Besides, explanation not only makes the conversation longer, it's makes it lose its flavor and makes it hard to swallow or digest.  Already I am feeling sick 🤢 just writing about.  Imagine having to undergo it!  

Let's just halt here and end 🔚 in a respectful way.  We need no explanation 😁.  Or do we???

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