Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tales of 2017.....

At the sunset of 2016, we were speculating, guessing, wishing, dreaming and wondering what 2017 will be like.........

Over the span of 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days of 2017 there were a lot of stories, discoveries, experiences, details, narrations etc.  Time had an important role to play.  In fact time has a major say everywhere.  

Its all about time.  With time we understand, realize, accept andreject what we did not initially.  The year that just went past and is about to become history, told us a lot.  It disclosed to us who will leave us forever and who is here to stay.  Who will be taking the wedding oath and with whom, who will be blessed with a baby and the gender of the baby, who will succeed and who will fail, who will remain with us and who will abandon us.

With time all anticipations are dissolved into REALITY.  Every forecast, predictions and projection hardens and stands out as FACT. Facts that cannot be changed.  Facts that cover up the pages of history books, Wikipedia etc.

Weather conditions that were threatening us, dangers that were lurking, health problems that were of great concern......all of them either died down, got cured or got out of the way with time.

Similarly 2018 is a bag of wonders, we are all wondering what it will be like.  Good or bad, better or worse, bitter or sweet, yes and no and a lot more.  We dont know, we never will until time dishes it out and serves it to us.

Let us put in fresh and healthy ingredients to be served nutritious portions in the 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days of 2018.  Right !