Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Learning about people and giving them a chance to know you

Can this be helpful?  Whether helpful or not, but it sure can be very interesting.  Getting to know people can be a very exciting adventure, a journey of lifetime that keeps making one grow wiser and wiser. 

We read about people, hear about people but actually getting to know them can be an altogether different experience. We have to voice our own feelings and we cannot just be depending on what we heard from other people or what people wrote about them.  Yes I agree that it is not always possible to meet such people.  We all have our own say and words.  Let us make use of our Unspoken Words and find out ourselves about people. 

 When we interact with people our experiences can be very different from what we heard about them. We trap our words and depend more on others' experiences.  When we communicate, we also give others a chance to know us.  Together we can make great stories and memories of our very own.  

Above all, we get a chance to learn.  Learn things our own way, in our own time and make our own decisions.  By setting free our thoughts, we give ourselves the freedom of learning and getting wise.  If we keep on holding back, we will never know what goes on in the heads of others.  Some are in pain, some have great wisdom, some are ignorant, and there are just so many different kinds of people in our life.  Some who need us and some whom we need.  

By staying away we are depriving ourselves and the world too.  How can interaction open a new world for us?  A good question which we will talk about in the next blog.  Let us keep it short and sweet.


Living in our own little world!  Can it help?  Our world, no matter how vast it may seem to us,  is always a confined and restricted area.  We only venture out of our self-made cocoon when we start discovering ourselves.  It is then we are READY to explore.  How and what leads to Self-Discover?  Good question.  We discover ourselves at different age, circumstances, ways and may be with a little help from people who may appear in our life as a mentor.  At some point of our life, something hits or clicks and we find a change in ourselves.  Maybe something just motivates us and boosts our self-confidence and which eventually makes us speak up.  Sometimes it may also happen that we discover ourselves while trying to help others discover and feel good about themselves!  Anyway, the point is that something gets us started and makes us realize that we are now ready to share all our bottled  up thoughts and feelings.  Unspoken Words finds it way and gets shared, appreciated, criticized and helps us to assess ourselves. We get to know where we stand in the scenario of the environment we share and live in. We often regret for having shared our thoughts and opinions, but at the same time don't we get to know about other's reactions? We also give others a chance to share their opinions and thoughts with us.  By just giving voice to our thoughts, we are actually giving ourselves to be a part of the environment and a chance to be alive and exist.  :-)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Interaction - Can it be a way to reach out?

What we store inside can be valuable outside.  But it all depends how we present it.  Everything has measurement, measure of time, people and place.  We may not be able to have exact assessment of this and besides, we all learn from our mistakes.  An important lesson I have learn in life is 'Interaction.'  A lot remains unsaid and undone without it.  Later we regret, 'if only.'  Aaaah!  Let us not stop at this.  It is always time to move on.  Keep moving.  Shielding yourself does not effect others.  Isolation from people may isolate ourselves from a lot of other opportunities too.  Hence in life it is always time to learn, change and improve.  While I started to interact, meet people, it sort of started getting interesting.  I felt that there is so much to learn from other's life, experiences and opinions.  Good or bad there are so many examples to learn from.When we share our feelings with others, at time we are amazed.  There are others who think like us, feel like us, have the same experiences like us.  What is being said here is, Unspoken Words  sometimes makes us feel that we are so unlike others, we are different and snatches from us our confidence and always makes us live under unknown fear. We fear our acceptability in the world, we fear rejection, we fear humiliation and all of these for nothing.  Sometimes we do not realize that whatever we may be undergoing is all just normal.  It just happens to be part of a normal life.  It is just a passing phase and there are many others out there facing the same ordeal.  Besides, sometimes it also happens in life that we get so carried away with out little achievement that we happen to develop a sense of unnecessary pride.  We have the audacity to think that it is 'just me and no one else.' But if we look around or talk to others about it, we will be surprised that what we are so pompous about is not a big deal.  When we share our good and bad experiences, it keeps us balanced.  It brings down our pride and boosts up our confidence.  It works both ways.  Hence, I feel that the words trapped inside us will help us discover ourselves.  Will talk more on self-discovery in the next blog.  Share your thoughts with me.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

When will I be ready to voice my Unspoken Words?

Although I kept my words to myself all along, but I always felt I have a lot to say.  But the question was when and how to begin?  Give yourself time and do not rush for anything.  It will all happen when it has to happen is an important lesson I learn at an early stage of my life.  Hence with my wee little wisdom, I waited.  More thoughts, more imaginations, more dreams.....all cloaked in unknown fear.  How will my thoughts and opinions will be welcomed.  When will I ever know how the world sees me with my real thoughts?  I took tiny steps in my adulthood and I surprised myself.  I was well received.  I did make some sense to some people.  I started to connect with people and that was when I discovered that I had so many things in common with so many people.  Not that everything was common to everyone.  But I always had something in common to some people.  I engaged myself to people's thoughts.  How does their mind work?  It was interesting to know that we are all so different yet we all meet somewhere.  The more I interacted, the more I discovered myself.  I did not feel weird, alone or a stranger to myself anymore.  Funnily, I found that others were as weird as me, they also thought they were different, they also faced some sort of fear at some phase of life.  We need to open up and till we do not have the courage we will keep depriving ourselves as well as others.  So........let's talk!

Introduction -

While I have invited you in my last post to my thoughts, my innermost thoughts, let me also tell you how I felt about myself.  I saw myself as a meek, nervous, introvert little being.  I wanted complete privacy!  Everything was so closed about me.  I sometimes even felt I am living in my own little world.  But I also knew that I need to come out.  Some people who I happen to encounter, mostly adults, often said to me that I need to come out of my cocoon.  I said I will but never tried or gave up even before trying. I carried on and everything seemed to go well and I had my own peace, in a way.  But eventually this sometimes made me feel a loner.  I found myself drifting away from people, from crowd.  This did not really make me happy.  Often I consoled myself that I do not happen to meet the right people, the ones who are my kind, whom I can actually interact with.  With my own will I was pushing people away from me but felt that they are pushing me away.  I felt scared and simply lacked confident.  I was clueless at that time, that these are normal and happens to others as well.  I thought I will grow up to be a different kind, maybe someone strange who will never be able to socialize, who will spend the entire life locked up in a room in total isolation.  But it did not go that way.  I had thoughts that had good motives.  I was very motivated by social welfare, community work, kindness, charity etc.  Hence these two things did not match.  How can I be caring so much for people and yet want to isolate myself?  I felt that my Unspoken Words had to be vented out. Sometimes I feel life is all about chances.  Perhaps it is.  But all the same, we need to make use of those chances and not let them go by.  So, as I was growing up, I tried picking up conversation here and there but mind you they were brief and to the point.  I kept it that way. Since I was not very outgoing or social I had limited topics to talk about.  It was mostly about books or school.  What else was there to talk about?  Sometimes I felt that no one wants to talk about these things.  But did I try?  No.  I just assumed. Now that is a purpose of my blog.  Do not just assume.  It confines you, limits you and stops you.  Just keep moving and give yourself chances.  If you are not sympathetic to yourself, no one will.  Life moved on....and I kept trying to live to my dream, dream to do a ton of things.  I knew I had to start somewhere..................!    

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Welcome to Unspoken Words! January 12, 2016.

A Welcome Post for my Valuable-Viewers

Not that I am looking for applause or fame, but certainly for friends with whom I can share my thoughts, opinions, feelings, emotions and so much more.  The purpose of this blog is to let people know that no matter what we may be experiencing, 

My Unspoken Words that were always trapped deep down inside me often haunted me, disturbed me and made me feel insecure and different. Being a quiet and shy child I felt unsure to voice my feelings and thoughts. 

Yes I lacked confidence.  I always under-estimated myself while growing up.  But with time I learned  that under-estimating is not as bad as over-estimating.  Anyway, I kept my thoughts to myself and my wandering mind, everyday wrote episodes of my life, events in my life, people in my life, places I went to, books I read and movies I viewed.  I just kept it all bottled up and felt that this is how it is supposed to be.  In fact, I just lived with my thoughts.  They were my friends, my companions, my comforters and my very existence.  I felt I think differently, I act differently, I speak differently etc.  I somehow felt I had nothing in common with others.  Life was very different from what I wanted it to be. 

 Maybe as a child I was very demanding and imaginative.  But I kept everything to myself.  Never questioned, never shared, never sought opinion or advice.  I was scared of being made fun of, being abandoned, or maybe catching attention.  (I know, these were only childish, silly, immature feelings.)  

With these tendencies, growing up was not so easy for me.  I matured mentally but lacked confidence all along.  Often, I was clumsy, maybe weird in some way, nervous most of the time and tongue-tied when spoken to.  I just did not know HOW to voice my thoughts across.  WORDS, tons of them lay heaped up inside me.  I was not very social and even if I happen to socialize, I was very selective, I was confined to my "type" only.  

Maybe they singled me out or I singled them out.  My type - yes the type who are quiet, hard to talk, only spoke when spoken to, was restricted in words.  But sometimes I surprised myself by interacting with someone from time to time, (very seldom), someone who related to my thinking, who finally understood me, or maybe those were the ones who understood everyone and I just happen to feel flattered that someone finally understands me.  Anyway, let us move on. 

 So, what I want to share and why.  Yes now I feel ready, with years of experience, my thoughts, my UNSPOKEN WORDS with you.  My unspoken words today are being forced out of me by my courage that I have gathered over the years.  Why do I want to share it now?  You will know this as you keep reading my blog.  It will unveil my reasons to share what I held on to all along.....................!