Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Living in our own little world!  Can it help?  Our world, no matter how vast it may seem to us,  is always a confined and restricted area.  We only venture out of our self-made cocoon when we start discovering ourselves.  It is then we are READY to explore.  How and what leads to Self-Discover?  Good question.  We discover ourselves at different age, circumstances, ways and may be with a little help from people who may appear in our life as a mentor.  At some point of our life, something hits or clicks and we find a change in ourselves.  Maybe something just motivates us and boosts our self-confidence and which eventually makes us speak up.  Sometimes it may also happen that we discover ourselves while trying to help others discover and feel good about themselves!  Anyway, the point is that something gets us started and makes us realize that we are now ready to share all our bottled  up thoughts and feelings.  Unspoken Words finds it way and gets shared, appreciated, criticized and helps us to assess ourselves. We get to know where we stand in the scenario of the environment we share and live in. We often regret for having shared our thoughts and opinions, but at the same time don't we get to know about other's reactions? We also give others a chance to share their opinions and thoughts with us.  By just giving voice to our thoughts, we are actually giving ourselves to be a part of the environment and a chance to be alive and exist.  :-)

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