Thursday, January 14, 2016

When will I be ready to voice my Unspoken Words?

Although I kept my words to myself all along, but I always felt I have a lot to say.  But the question was when and how to begin?  Give yourself time and do not rush for anything.  It will all happen when it has to happen is an important lesson I learn at an early stage of my life.  Hence with my wee little wisdom, I waited.  More thoughts, more imaginations, more dreams.....all cloaked in unknown fear.  How will my thoughts and opinions will be welcomed.  When will I ever know how the world sees me with my real thoughts?  I took tiny steps in my adulthood and I surprised myself.  I was well received.  I did make some sense to some people.  I started to connect with people and that was when I discovered that I had so many things in common with so many people.  Not that everything was common to everyone.  But I always had something in common to some people.  I engaged myself to people's thoughts.  How does their mind work?  It was interesting to know that we are all so different yet we all meet somewhere.  The more I interacted, the more I discovered myself.  I did not feel weird, alone or a stranger to myself anymore.  Funnily, I found that others were as weird as me, they also thought they were different, they also faced some sort of fear at some phase of life.  We need to open up and till we do not have the courage we will keep depriving ourselves as well as others.  So........let's talk!

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