Thursday, March 30, 2017

Words are more important or the speaker?

Words are words no matter who says them.  But not today! Words does not matter anymore.   This is the modern mentality.   Words gain or loses significance based on the speakers.

No one cares what is being said is being said by someone, influential,  important, popular or powerful.   Words from the mouth of a comman man is but gibberish.  Those words are either drowned or suffocated.  No one pays attention to WHAT is being said.  WHAT has lost its place to WHO. 

Formerly, it did not matter who you were but what you say.  Those were the days of ignorance, uncivilized, illiteracy etc.  Wisdom was more important than popularity.  You can be no one but yet your words were heard.  Every one got a chance and every one had a voice.

Today, people are speechless and voiceless.  Silence prevails because no one wants to hear words that are not attached to power, authority, fame etc.

Shout, scream, yell or blow your lungs out.  It will be unheard, ignored or drowned. But do not give up.  If you are not heard, let them read.  Voice is not the only mean to communicate.  

One day when you become someone,do not forget that you had no voice and your words were not words.  Listen to everyone and focus on words.  Give the gift of voice and lend your ears to anyone who wants to say.  

Let them say! 
Let them speak! 
Let WORDS be more significant than...... their speakers.        

Monday, March 27, 2017

Confused! Very confused!

We are lost, confused, shocked........
We live in a society where :
lies are considered as praise and truth is penalized
Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is for money
Quantities matters much more than quality 
It does not matter WHAT is being said but WHO is saying it
We say what we do not mean and mean what we do not say
Only some life matters, others are pushed aside
We say we are one but believe in discrimination 
We open our doors for travelers but close the doors to our community
Our neighbors are strangers but people in the street are our friends
We are solving world problems and ignoring our families
We are falling behind in our duties but claiming our rights
Real values are extinct and false values prevails 
When we want to set it right, we get accused for being wrong.  
Should we give up and join the crowd? Or
Should we stand up for the values we uphold 
Even if we are being despised, abandoned, ignored and crushed...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Perfection, does it exist?

Does this condition even exist?  Guess no!  Even if it does, maybe only in imagination or in a fool's world.  To me, I think that perfection means the shortest way to destruction and disappointments. When we know that there is no such thing called perfection, yet we claim to be perfect.  While we find countless flaws in others, but find ourselves very very Perfect.  The very effort to be perfect is imperfection.  

What exactly is perfection?  It is the satisfaction that we draw from different situation and people.  It is a level of maturity when we think that the most effort IS the best effort.  Perfection is another word for acceptance.  What our mind and heart accepts seems perfect.  

But we happen to take perfection altogether in a wrong way.  No matter how good it is, we are never satisfied and still looking for perfection, be it our job, our children, our spouse, our life etc.  Everyday things are changing.  We are learning, growing, maturing, developing towards something that our mind and heart takes us to. There is no such destination as perfection.We assume it perfect, we shape it to our perfection.  What may appear perfect to us, may not be perfect at all to another.  So, the conclusion is, do not look for perfection.  Just do the best you can and call it perfect The whole life is a walk towards changes.  Many situation and people come across our life and they seem perfect and then it all changes because better things come up or we mature and our thinking changes.  
Perfection just happens - don't look for it!  

"Whatever makes you happy is perfect."    

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

small problems rescues us from BIGGER Ones!

Small problems are like sparks to fire. If we do not handle them timely it may be disastrous. 

Problems are nothing else but challenges and are part of our life.  We face problems on daily basis.  All sorts of problems that emerge from nowhere and leaves us in the middle of nowhere.  

That which we face frequently are but tiny bubbles and if left unattended can form a balloon and can exlode anytime and soak us .  Therefore, learning to handle and crush those tiny problems that pop up, either teaches us to handle bigger problems or eliminate it.  

Like an old proverb, which I think I can apply here, "drops of water can  form an ocean", similarly if we do not timely handle our little problems, they may or will become disastrous.  

The point I want to make here is fight back and face challenges.  It is an ongoing struggle.   Keep up the battle, learn something,  gain experience,  boost up your confidence and make it to the finish line.  Do not sit back or let go.  Be an achiever not a failure.

When there is just no option left,  pluck courage and face it.  The storm will pass and leave behind strength for us which will prepare us for further obstacles.

If we are worried about the daily problems and do nothing about them, we are just making way for bigger and bigger problems.  

Little problems make us a little bit more stronger day by day.  They are like  stepping stones and keep us away from bigger problems and help us to handle bigger ones.  

Let not small problems scare you.  They are there to warn you, to teach you and to rescue you from the major problems. 

Do not run away from problems, but turn around and face them.  Problems are as scared of us as we are of them.  Stop them, before they loom large.  

Keep them small.........stamp them off!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Importance begins with "I"

Want to feel important?  Want to get some importance? But do not know how to get started?  It is easy and simple.  Just follow the basic rules.  

But before we get started let us ask ourselves why is it so important?   What will we achieve by this feeling anyway?  Does it give us any satisfaction?  What exactly we obtain by this feeling of importance?   Maybe momentary pleasure, superiority complex, matter of right, sense of pride, a privilege ?  What else?  I can't think of any other reason.  Perhaps you can help me.

It has often been observed that such feelings are going around a lot, especially with the advent of social media, where we are all set to prove our importance on a daily basis, hourly basis or even every single moment.

So where was I?  Oh yes, we were trying to figure out how to feel important, when I kind of moved away from our subject.  I did mention that importance begins with I.  'I', also means 'self'.  Right?  What connection does it have? The link lies in this.  Importance is gained by DOING something important.  Now do you realize the connection?

Importance does not just land on us by doing nothing.  To be important, to feel importance, let us start doing something important.  Let us analyze what is important to us and how and why it will bring importance to us.  

All efforts to feel important by not doing something significantly important will lead us nowhere othan than self- deception and frustration. 

The perfect way to deal with this emotion is, to just get over it.  Stop trying to be important.  Instead......... try being useful and humble.   It is a great feeling.   

Rather than 'being' important,  let us start 'doing' something importantly useful, helpful and beautiful.  Rather than seeking importance, let us start giving importance........!

Does that seem important?   Sounds important to me.  Let us get started!!