Monday, March 13, 2017

Importance begins with "I"

Want to feel important?  Want to get some importance? But do not know how to get started?  It is easy and simple.  Just follow the basic rules.  

But before we get started let us ask ourselves why is it so important?   What will we achieve by this feeling anyway?  Does it give us any satisfaction?  What exactly we obtain by this feeling of importance?   Maybe momentary pleasure, superiority complex, matter of right, sense of pride, a privilege ?  What else?  I can't think of any other reason.  Perhaps you can help me.

It has often been observed that such feelings are going around a lot, especially with the advent of social media, where we are all set to prove our importance on a daily basis, hourly basis or even every single moment.

So where was I?  Oh yes, we were trying to figure out how to feel important, when I kind of moved away from our subject.  I did mention that importance begins with I.  'I', also means 'self'.  Right?  What connection does it have? The link lies in this.  Importance is gained by DOING something important.  Now do you realize the connection?

Importance does not just land on us by doing nothing.  To be important, to feel importance, let us start doing something important.  Let us analyze what is important to us and how and why it will bring importance to us.  

All efforts to feel important by not doing something significantly important will lead us nowhere othan than self- deception and frustration. 

The perfect way to deal with this emotion is, to just get over it.  Stop trying to be important.  Instead......... try being useful and humble.   It is a great feeling.   

Rather than 'being' important,  let us start 'doing' something importantly useful, helpful and beautiful.  Rather than seeking importance, let us start giving importance........!

Does that seem important?   Sounds important to me.  Let us get started!!     

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