Thursday, March 30, 2017

Words are more important or the speaker?

Words are words no matter who says them.  But not today! Words does not matter anymore.   This is the modern mentality.   Words gain or loses significance based on the speakers.

No one cares what is being said is being said by someone, influential,  important, popular or powerful.   Words from the mouth of a comman man is but gibberish.  Those words are either drowned or suffocated.  No one pays attention to WHAT is being said.  WHAT has lost its place to WHO. 

Formerly, it did not matter who you were but what you say.  Those were the days of ignorance, uncivilized, illiteracy etc.  Wisdom was more important than popularity.  You can be no one but yet your words were heard.  Every one got a chance and every one had a voice.

Today, people are speechless and voiceless.  Silence prevails because no one wants to hear words that are not attached to power, authority, fame etc.

Shout, scream, yell or blow your lungs out.  It will be unheard, ignored or drowned. But do not give up.  If you are not heard, let them read.  Voice is not the only mean to communicate.  

One day when you become someone,do not forget that you had no voice and your words were not words.  Listen to everyone and focus on words.  Give the gift of voice and lend your ears to anyone who wants to say.  

Let them say! 
Let them speak! 
Let WORDS be more significant than...... their speakers.        

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