Monday, April 3, 2017

Who promotes injustice?

Where does INJUSTICE originate from? 
What is the ROOT CAUSE of injustice?

Injustice is the smoke that rises from the fire of silence.  Just like the way it is said that there is no fire without smoke and no smoke without fire, similarly injustice and silence thrive simultaneously.   

We groan, mumble, gossip, whine but fail to raise our voice to subdue injustice.  Hence, injustice prevails.  We face injustice with silence.  Our stubborn tongues do not move to confront injustice.  We suffice ourselves with back biting, tears of helplessness, games of blame, beating around the bush to brush down injustice.  But we never stand tall and face this challenge.   

We allow the smoke of injustice to spread and suffocate us.  The voices that could have and should have been heard and could have crushed injustice are often put to sleep and injustice rules.

So, what is the ROOT CAUSE of injustice ?
Our meek and cowardly selves who cave in and allow injustice to walk all over us.  We endure it, bear it, accept it and thereby nourish it to encompass anyone and everyone.  Therefore,  injustice grows and spreads like wildfire and is beyond control.

Injustice should diminish and die.  It should be put to sleep and eradicated.   It should be stamped off.  But who can dare to do it except COURAGE, which is buried and extinct.

Our survival kit contains only band aids of fear and tubes of sighs.  This is sufficient for us to combat injustice.   

Here is the story of the origin and cause of injustice.  A battle, that very few fights, to overcome injustice.  

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