Friday, April 14, 2017

I am wrong, you are right!

Saying I am wrong does not make one wrong.  Similarly,  saying you are right, does not make a person  necessarily right. know what!  It does make peace!   

We all find it too tough to admit that we are wrong or the other person is right.  Our stubbornness stands on the way.  At the same time it is just  automatic to claim that we are right and the other person is wrong.  

How to solve this conflict?  
Wrong is wrong and right is right.  Arguing, debating or fighting does NOT change anything.  

When we know we are right let silence do the rest.  Nothing that we can say can convince the person who is constantly insisting that he is right.  The person is neither right nor ready nor mature.  He or she is not ready to change, admit or accept.  In such a situation the problem is their, not ours.  

Let us make peace by leaving the person with his or her conviction and let them deceive  themselves.   Some people want to learn in a hard way or take their own time.  Be it so!  

Peace and respect are far more important than winning an argument. Let us not make it about winning and losing.  It is all about LEARNING.  

If we have not learnt to lose we are not ready  to learn.  

"You are wrong I am right" OR "I am right and you are wrong" keep the fight going without reaching any conclusion.  Where the argument is about this, both parties are immature and love to waste time.  Period!


  1. Absolutely right and well defined.

  2. Thanks so much for your comments and your support.

  3. Unfortunately, these days no one likes to be proven wrong or admit they are. It becomes a battle to prove who is in the right.
