Wednesday, March 15, 2017

small problems rescues us from BIGGER Ones!

Small problems are like sparks to fire. If we do not handle them timely it may be disastrous. 

Problems are nothing else but challenges and are part of our life.  We face problems on daily basis.  All sorts of problems that emerge from nowhere and leaves us in the middle of nowhere.  

That which we face frequently are but tiny bubbles and if left unattended can form a balloon and can exlode anytime and soak us .  Therefore, learning to handle and crush those tiny problems that pop up, either teaches us to handle bigger problems or eliminate it.  

Like an old proverb, which I think I can apply here, "drops of water can  form an ocean", similarly if we do not timely handle our little problems, they may or will become disastrous.  

The point I want to make here is fight back and face challenges.  It is an ongoing struggle.   Keep up the battle, learn something,  gain experience,  boost up your confidence and make it to the finish line.  Do not sit back or let go.  Be an achiever not a failure.

When there is just no option left,  pluck courage and face it.  The storm will pass and leave behind strength for us which will prepare us for further obstacles.

If we are worried about the daily problems and do nothing about them, we are just making way for bigger and bigger problems.  

Little problems make us a little bit more stronger day by day.  They are like  stepping stones and keep us away from bigger problems and help us to handle bigger ones.  

Let not small problems scare you.  They are there to warn you, to teach you and to rescue you from the major problems. 

Do not run away from problems, but turn around and face them.  Problems are as scared of us as we are of them.  Stop them, before they loom large.  

Keep them small.........stamp them off!

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