Monday, March 27, 2017

Confused! Very confused!

We are lost, confused, shocked........
We live in a society where :
lies are considered as praise and truth is penalized
Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is for money
Quantities matters much more than quality 
It does not matter WHAT is being said but WHO is saying it
We say what we do not mean and mean what we do not say
Only some life matters, others are pushed aside
We say we are one but believe in discrimination 
We open our doors for travelers but close the doors to our community
Our neighbors are strangers but people in the street are our friends
We are solving world problems and ignoring our families
We are falling behind in our duties but claiming our rights
Real values are extinct and false values prevails 
When we want to set it right, we get accused for being wrong.  
Should we give up and join the crowd? Or
Should we stand up for the values we uphold 
Even if we are being despised, abandoned, ignored and crushed...