Friday, April 21, 2017

Count your words, make it count!

Words are precious.  Do not waste your golden words. We often carelessly say whatever pops in our mind.  Sometimes we are also in the habit of talking just for the sake of it.  We do not realize the importance of words and are not cautious with it.

While we are given the ability to speak and along with it the freedom of expression, let us make appropriate and meaningful use of it.

Just like we should not waste food, water or time, we need to practice the same amount of cautiousness with our words. Once it leaves us, it goes out of our control and there is no way we can retrieve it or alter it.

So here is what I am saying.  " Count your words.". Be precise.  Limit yourself.  Be straight and honest.  Do not waste your words and talk unnecessarily.  

Now to the second part.  "Make your words count." Whatever comes from our mouth should be meaningful, should hold some value.  Our words represents us.  Meaningless words makes us mindless and makes us seem useless.

Words matter, words count.  Let us keep this in mind, whatever comes from our mouth counts.  It can play a negative role or a positive role.  Our very own words can be a source of our destruction.  Mind you!

Friday, April 14, 2017

I am wrong, you are right!

Saying I am wrong does not make one wrong.  Similarly,  saying you are right, does not make a person  necessarily right. know what!  It does make peace!   

We all find it too tough to admit that we are wrong or the other person is right.  Our stubbornness stands on the way.  At the same time it is just  automatic to claim that we are right and the other person is wrong.  

How to solve this conflict?  
Wrong is wrong and right is right.  Arguing, debating or fighting does NOT change anything.  

When we know we are right let silence do the rest.  Nothing that we can say can convince the person who is constantly insisting that he is right.  The person is neither right nor ready nor mature.  He or she is not ready to change, admit or accept.  In such a situation the problem is their, not ours.  

Let us make peace by leaving the person with his or her conviction and let them deceive  themselves.   Some people want to learn in a hard way or take their own time.  Be it so!  

Peace and respect are far more important than winning an argument. Let us not make it about winning and losing.  It is all about LEARNING.  

If we have not learnt to lose we are not ready  to learn.  

"You are wrong I am right" OR "I am right and you are wrong" keep the fight going without reaching any conclusion.  Where the argument is about this, both parties are immature and love to waste time.  Period!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

It's all about COFFEE !

This post I dedicate to all my coffee lover friends, especially that particular friend who is a coffee freak.  Her countless posts, every morning are a treat to me.  I have virtual coffee with her while I browse through social media.  

To her life is all about COFFEE.   To me it seems, she has taken the personal responsibility to remind everyone of coffee.  She emphasizes the importance of coffee,  the strength in coffee and above all, the miracles of coffee.

In fact, she speaks coffee and understands coffee.  Any other language is gibberish to her.  She believes in the friendship of coffee and will make you go crazy about coffee.  Her posts, which I have shared in this blog, can inspire anyone to crave for coffee.

So......let's have coffee and invite her too.  To her, every time is sooooooo coffee time!!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Sometimes it is better to leave it unsaid.

We all have buried within us piles of grudges, bitterness,  ill feelings, enmity and what not, against many individuals we have come across in our life.  Our anger towards them is ever on the rise because they have hurt us in some way or the other. Right?

But we should not hold on to such emotions for long.  In my opinion, there are two valid reasons for it.  What are they?  No, I won't keep you guessing forever.  

People change and realize their follies.  If they have changed, let us too..... but cautiously.   Get over it and iron it out.  Heave a sigh of relief and ease yourself of negativity. By letting old feelings to exit, you are sure to feel all better and healed.  Above all, you did not even need to utter a word for something that got fixed itself!

Are you ready to hear the second reason?  This one has emotional ties.  It can bring you to tears.  When that person is suffering, undergoing pain, is buried in problems, would you still hold grievances against such a person.  Certainly not!  This is the time to let go......! No words are needed here other than sympathy.   

Not every time we need to get even with people who has hurt us, damaged us, deceived us or disappointed us.  

Do you agree with me?  You may not but this time don't leave it unsaid.   Tell me why you disagree with me.   Opinions differ and as they say, "We can always agree to disagree. "

Monday, April 3, 2017

Who promotes injustice?

Where does INJUSTICE originate from? 
What is the ROOT CAUSE of injustice?

Injustice is the smoke that rises from the fire of silence.  Just like the way it is said that there is no fire without smoke and no smoke without fire, similarly injustice and silence thrive simultaneously.   

We groan, mumble, gossip, whine but fail to raise our voice to subdue injustice.  Hence, injustice prevails.  We face injustice with silence.  Our stubborn tongues do not move to confront injustice.  We suffice ourselves with back biting, tears of helplessness, games of blame, beating around the bush to brush down injustice.  But we never stand tall and face this challenge.   

We allow the smoke of injustice to spread and suffocate us.  The voices that could have and should have been heard and could have crushed injustice are often put to sleep and injustice rules.

So, what is the ROOT CAUSE of injustice ?
Our meek and cowardly selves who cave in and allow injustice to walk all over us.  We endure it, bear it, accept it and thereby nourish it to encompass anyone and everyone.  Therefore,  injustice grows and spreads like wildfire and is beyond control.

Injustice should diminish and die.  It should be put to sleep and eradicated.   It should be stamped off.  But who can dare to do it except COURAGE, which is buried and extinct.

Our survival kit contains only band aids of fear and tubes of sighs.  This is sufficient for us to combat injustice.   

Here is the story of the origin and cause of injustice.  A battle, that very few fights, to overcome injustice.