Monday, August 28, 2017

Time is crippling us?

As time is advancing, we are falling behind.  Look what technology has done to us? It is unbelievable!

With new methodology and techniques we are supposed to be more developed, advance, independent and fast.  But is it so?  We are actually traveling backward.  

We are much more dependent than we used to be.  We cannot do anything on our own...... anymore.  We are just relying so much on the internet, google, wifi and iphones that with the absence of any one of these we feel "h-e-l-p-l-e-s-s."  We lose our way, we lose our minds. We cannot wish or greet anyone, (we text),  we do not cook or clean, (we order on line....we are too busy to clean), we cannot get up on our own, (we set alarms for every little nap we take),  we do not remember dates, (we mark our calendars), we cannot put two and two together, (we use calculators). We can do nothing on our own.  

What has life come to?  We are out of touch even with the people we live with.  We see them and contact them on social media?  Deplorable!  Absolutely!  

All that we used to do on our own, that which had a personal touch, that which kept us physically and mentally active and alive are GONE!  We are now clinging.......hanging on to technology.  We cannot anymore do things on our own.  We have no ability to think, remember or decide.  The internet does it all for us.

So, where is the advancement?   Where is technology taking us, if not pushing us behind everyday.  Did not we do all this with greater interest and vigor  when there was no internet?  Did not we waste less time before the internet got on our way?  Did we not take out the time to wish and greet with a card or telephone call instead of texting the abbreviations.   We wish our own family members while driving or riding an elevator!  How ludicrous!  

We have lost our freedom,  our abilities, relationships, feelings and even our minds and conscience.   All because of internet.  What are we,  robots who need to be activated and shut down?  Nothing else?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

More Than History

History is not a dull subject, contrary to what you or some of your friends may have believed during high school. Nonetheless, if you live in South Florida, particularly in Broward County, the history of your hometown might seem uninteresting, repeatative and even arbitrary. Instead of being founded by bold pilgrims willing to starve to death for the freedom to celebrate Thanksgiving in November, or by bold attractive generals with compelling quotes, many of the cities in Florida were founded since a rich person, often a land developer or hotel entrepreneur, thought "Hmmm.... this wouldn't be a bad place to start building things."
The above is a dramatic simplification, of course, but it conveys how difficult it can be to celebrate your hometown's history when it only exists since businessmen of the near past imagined it as a profitable business venture. Although such decisions and beliefs may discourage emotional investment from others, they become much more interesting when considered in the context of the events from their time.
Many developers and investors moved to Florida after all the territory in the American West had been claimed and settled on. After this occurred, the only place left to settle was Florida, which was primarily swampland and marshes and mosquito territory. Despite these environmental challenges, people decided to settle in Florida, continuing the American tradition of exploring new frontiers and transforming strange, often intimidating landscapes into home. After some difficulty, land developers learned how to drain the swamp land and the territory of mosquitoes and marshes became sights of hotels, theme parks and lucrative real estate ventures.
Although these cities seem to exist as the result of the whims of a small number of businessmen, their decisions had a tremendous impact upon the area we in South Florida see as home. These decisions have contributed to South Florida's lucrative tourism and real estate industries, which provide many with their livlihoods, and its ability to attract people not only from around the United States, yet also from around the world. These decisions have also contributes to the utter devastation of the Everglades and much of South Florida's ecosystems, as many species lost their homes and their ways of life when the new settlers arrived.
The story of South Florida is ultimately not one of rich people seeking to make a profit, but of all the people whose lives have been impacted by those decisions. It is the story of all those who claim South Florida to be there home, those who decided to and ultimately did, settle there and establish families. South Florida's history can be found in its shopping malls, its courthouses, its beaches, its schools and even in its country clubs and charitable organizations. The true history of South Florida is a story of people's decisions about where to settle, what they value and how to attain it, essentially a narrative of creating home from the wilderness. This story is not unique to South Florida and pertains to our entire species, the choices we made about our lives, and how we confront the consequences of these choices, positive and negative, as we live our lives and continue to make choices.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Oceans Between Us

The notions that each of us are separated from each other by vast, often insurmountable oceans often breaks my heart. No matter how hard we try or how much we care, we cannot and will not ever truly know how someone else may feel, nor may anyone ever completely comprehend how we feel. Even the most articulate, adroit communicators, the most charismatic speakers and expressionistic artists will never completely seal the gaps between us, as because of these gaps, we never can truly say that we know others like we know ourselves.

Although these boundaries are tragic, they may also be liberating. Our separation from each others prevents our pain from enveloping and consuming those we love, and it prevents others from seeing us at our worst. Our decision not to indulge too intently into each others' personal lives is not entirely one of selfishness, retisence or arrogance. It rather is also a display of respect, an acknowledgement that you will not be judged by your difficulties or your flaws, and that you are under no obligation to share anything with me that you don't want to. Contrary to what we may be inclined to believe, this perspective encourages sharing by allowing us to chose when, how and whether we share and with whom we share. It enables social interaction to be mandatory but voluntary, and even consentual, since people are the most effectively able to communicate when they chose to do so and in an enviromnment in which they feel safe and comfortable. 

We will never transcend the oceans that separate us, never touch the horizons that tantilizingly linger in an unattainable distance. But, we can listen, not demand, but accept, share and avoid passing judgement. This will not ease the distance between us, yet it will at least be a step in our attempt to access and connect to people, experiences and beliefs different from us, yet by no means insigificant.

Worries. For what?

Worries!  So worried!  Very worried!  "FOR NOTHING!"

Nothing is worth worrying for. What has to happen WILL happen  and our worrying about it is not going to change anything.   Sometimes we worry about things that will never happen.   But what to do?  We have fallen into the habit of worrying.  We worry for no reason and sometimes we even invent reasons to worry.  But worry we must!  It is so necessary.   

But what is worry?  Let us take a closer look at it.  
Yes it is a five letter word.  It starts with W, which is also the start of the word weight.  So here is a definition for worry.  Worry weighs us down.  Worry is a cloak that descends on our weak shoulders.  There you go!  Weak also starts with the letter W.  Worry weakens us.  Weighs us down.  The more we bend down with the cloak of worry,  the more it piles on us until we are unders layers of cloaks.  That's not it, there is more.  

Worries are iron shackles around our ankles and restrict our movements.   While we are already weighed down with cloaks, we are also tied up with chains.  We are helpless.  We CANNOT move forward and carry on with our lives.  We are just so worried.

Wait a minute!  Did it help us in any way?  Did it change anything for us?  Oh yes it did.  It slowed us down.  It stressed us out.  But led us nowhere.   It made us stand still while all the opportunities passed by us.  

Still worried?  Do not worry but hurry up and catch up with the journey of life.  A lot is awaiting us.  Let not worry stop us and block us.

Arguments.....its endless!

When it all boils down to an argument........STOP!  It is time to walk away. Yes walk away.  Nothing, absolutely nothing is worth an argument.....any argument.

Arguments are endless disagreements which get bitter and ugly and end in enmity and become grudges and vengeance and end into a dirty pile of regrets.  

The more one indulges in argument,  the more it ignites the fire and urge to argue.  It smoulders into a habit and soars into addiction.  It becomes part of personality.   

Now what!  There comes a time when  argumentation plays its toll and leads to isolation.   There is no one to argue with. There is no tolerance.   All there is left is the inability to get out from this habit.

Arguments lead us NOWHERE.  So don't start it.  When its get argumentative,  make a quick decision to quit.  Yes!  
"JUST WALK AWAY!"  Save your precious time for something worthwhile. 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Think differently!

Make a difference
Give it a preference
Wherever you go
Whatever you sow
Think not about your loss
Because it is a great cause
What is low, make it high
What is far, make it nigh
Where there is darkness, show light
Where there is sadness, bring delight
Change tears to smiles
Even if you have to walk an extra mile
Howsoever  small it may seem
Howsoever useless it may deem
Do your own share
There is no time to waste and stare.
Make a difference, think wise
What has lost hope, make it rise.
Wherever you go, high or low
Whoever it maybe, friend or foe
Drops of differences makes an ocean
Just keep doing your portion.
One day all these will make a difference 
Just because you gave it a preference! 

Friday, August 4, 2017

It's not easy. Nothing is!

It's very EASY to say, "its easy!"
No its not, nothing is.  Nothing was meant to be easy.  It is our job to make it easy by tons of hard work, sweat and blood.  The fruit here in the picture did not just sprout.  It is the ceaseless labor of the gardener and his conviction and the blessings of nature.

We all want to thrive in comfort zones that do not exist.  They exist for only those people who want to live in fantasy, achieve nothing,  continue to befool themselves and live in permanent  misery.  

To realize our dreams and ambitions, we need to venture OUT of our comfort zone and be warriors.  If we believe in ourselves, we got to believe in hard work, in patience and tolerance.  Life begins with struggle,  we struggle to come out from the womb and struggle all the way to the tomb.  

Even if born with a silver spoon, that spoon needs a lot of cleaning and polishing.   Nothing is attained by doing nothing.  Every movement counts, every effort is worth it.  

The sword needs to come out of its scabbord to prove its power.  It cannot be lying nestled in its case to know its skill.  It has to go to the battle field and fight with other swords to gain victory.   Otherwise it will just be a piece of worthless ornamentation. 

It needs hard work, struggle, battle, sweat and blood to make it EASY.  Nothing is easy on its own, other than "saying," it's easy!

Help wanted!

Help means help, support or kindness.  It does not mean an opportunity for "unnecessary advice" or "lectures. "

I am going to be precise and direct.  When people are in need, they are not looking for advice.  So let us put aside those unwanted words of what they should have and could have done.  They know better.  Conditions are already unfavorable for them.  They are struggling  with so many issues, while we try to add to them by offering advice that neither fits nor suits them.  We must remember that what we are trying to squeeze  in their precarious condition, might have already been tried out by them.  Yet we insist and try to force something down their throats which already made them throw up?

The bottom line is, when we feel, realize or hear that people need help, let us keep our valuable advice to ourselves and instead of saying what "they" should and could have done, let us for a change say, loudly and clearly,  what "WE" can do, what "WE" should do.  

If the situation happens to be that there is nothing that we can do, let us accept our inability and disability to help rather than rescuing and justifying our own shortcomings.   

It can be simple if each of us realized our own responsibility and did whatever we could.  Let us help "out" , not help in and push the person further down in the deep hole of despair and darkness. 

Help wanted .......not words!