Monday, August 28, 2017

Time is crippling us?

As time is advancing, we are falling behind.  Look what technology has done to us? It is unbelievable!

With new methodology and techniques we are supposed to be more developed, advance, independent and fast.  But is it so?  We are actually traveling backward.  

We are much more dependent than we used to be.  We cannot do anything on our own...... anymore.  We are just relying so much on the internet, google, wifi and iphones that with the absence of any one of these we feel "h-e-l-p-l-e-s-s."  We lose our way, we lose our minds. We cannot wish or greet anyone, (we text),  we do not cook or clean, (we order on line....we are too busy to clean), we cannot get up on our own, (we set alarms for every little nap we take),  we do not remember dates, (we mark our calendars), we cannot put two and two together, (we use calculators). We can do nothing on our own.  

What has life come to?  We are out of touch even with the people we live with.  We see them and contact them on social media?  Deplorable!  Absolutely!  

All that we used to do on our own, that which had a personal touch, that which kept us physically and mentally active and alive are GONE!  We are now clinging.......hanging on to technology.  We cannot anymore do things on our own.  We have no ability to think, remember or decide.  The internet does it all for us.

So, where is the advancement?   Where is technology taking us, if not pushing us behind everyday.  Did not we do all this with greater interest and vigor  when there was no internet?  Did not we waste less time before the internet got on our way?  Did we not take out the time to wish and greet with a card or telephone call instead of texting the abbreviations.   We wish our own family members while driving or riding an elevator!  How ludicrous!  

We have lost our freedom,  our abilities, relationships, feelings and even our minds and conscience.   All because of internet.  What are we,  robots who need to be activated and shut down?  Nothing else?


  1. Cant agree more! Its so so true. Our next generation will not even understand the difference
