Friday, August 4, 2017

Help wanted!

Help means help, support or kindness.  It does not mean an opportunity for "unnecessary advice" or "lectures. "

I am going to be precise and direct.  When people are in need, they are not looking for advice.  So let us put aside those unwanted words of what they should have and could have done.  They know better.  Conditions are already unfavorable for them.  They are struggling  with so many issues, while we try to add to them by offering advice that neither fits nor suits them.  We must remember that what we are trying to squeeze  in their precarious condition, might have already been tried out by them.  Yet we insist and try to force something down their throats which already made them throw up?

The bottom line is, when we feel, realize or hear that people need help, let us keep our valuable advice to ourselves and instead of saying what "they" should and could have done, let us for a change say, loudly and clearly,  what "WE" can do, what "WE" should do.  

If the situation happens to be that there is nothing that we can do, let us accept our inability and disability to help rather than rescuing and justifying our own shortcomings.   

It can be simple if each of us realized our own responsibility and did whatever we could.  Let us help "out" , not help in and push the person further down in the deep hole of despair and darkness. 

Help wanted .......not words!


  1. Very true,indeed this is what we do rather than helping.So sad

    1. Absolutely agree with you. Many thanks for your comments and encouragement

  2. V well said.n unfortunately dats da truth too :, ( . Loving ur blogs (Y)

  3. Thanks Yashaf. Through my blogs I express my true feelings and candid opinions.

  4. Help has many dimension, in which advice is one of them. However, sharing some past experience on a particular scenario may perhaps not too bad if the intension was not to add to the tribulation one is going through. Because their is no new thing under the planet that has no happen to someone before us. Thus a good advice on how to navigate our way out of problem could not be considered bad.

    1. You are right. When we can do nothing let us not tell the others what they can do.
