Friday, August 4, 2017

It's not easy. Nothing is!

It's very EASY to say, "its easy!"
No its not, nothing is.  Nothing was meant to be easy.  It is our job to make it easy by tons of hard work, sweat and blood.  The fruit here in the picture did not just sprout.  It is the ceaseless labor of the gardener and his conviction and the blessings of nature.

We all want to thrive in comfort zones that do not exist.  They exist for only those people who want to live in fantasy, achieve nothing,  continue to befool themselves and live in permanent  misery.  

To realize our dreams and ambitions, we need to venture OUT of our comfort zone and be warriors.  If we believe in ourselves, we got to believe in hard work, in patience and tolerance.  Life begins with struggle,  we struggle to come out from the womb and struggle all the way to the tomb.  

Even if born with a silver spoon, that spoon needs a lot of cleaning and polishing.   Nothing is attained by doing nothing.  Every movement counts, every effort is worth it.  

The sword needs to come out of its scabbord to prove its power.  It cannot be lying nestled in its case to know its skill.  It has to go to the battle field and fight with other swords to gain victory.   Otherwise it will just be a piece of worthless ornamentation. 

It needs hard work, struggle, battle, sweat and blood to make it EASY.  Nothing is easy on its own, other than "saying," it's easy!


  1. "Nothing Is Easy "very true without struggle we cannot get our reward.

    1. Every inch and pinch of our hard work is rewarded. Even good intentions counts.

  2. Wow that was v motivational. U r right we cant jst sit n wish dat things will come to us of its own. Beautiful msg :)

    1. Thanks for your comment Yashaf. Every effort we make leads us somewhere and helps us move forward.

  3. Nothing venture, Nothing gain. We all pin our hope on whatsoever we fought hard for, while nursing expectation. However, one will be living in a fool paradise to expect from where no action is venture. Your candid opinion is well respected.
