Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Oceans Between Us

The notions that each of us are separated from each other by vast, often insurmountable oceans often breaks my heart. No matter how hard we try or how much we care, we cannot and will not ever truly know how someone else may feel, nor may anyone ever completely comprehend how we feel. Even the most articulate, adroit communicators, the most charismatic speakers and expressionistic artists will never completely seal the gaps between us, as because of these gaps, we never can truly say that we know others like we know ourselves.

Although these boundaries are tragic, they may also be liberating. Our separation from each others prevents our pain from enveloping and consuming those we love, and it prevents others from seeing us at our worst. Our decision not to indulge too intently into each others' personal lives is not entirely one of selfishness, retisence or arrogance. It rather is also a display of respect, an acknowledgement that you will not be judged by your difficulties or your flaws, and that you are under no obligation to share anything with me that you don't want to. Contrary to what we may be inclined to believe, this perspective encourages sharing by allowing us to chose when, how and whether we share and with whom we share. It enables social interaction to be mandatory but voluntary, and even consentual, since people are the most effectively able to communicate when they chose to do so and in an enviromnment in which they feel safe and comfortable. 

We will never transcend the oceans that separate us, never touch the horizons that tantilizingly linger in an unattainable distance. But, we can listen, not demand, but accept, share and avoid passing judgement. This will not ease the distance between us, yet it will at least be a step in our attempt to access and connect to people, experiences and beliefs different from us, yet by no means insigificant.