Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trick of Confidence!

A con artist is an individual who seeks to gain others' confidence in order to accomplish a specific motive. Con artists are usually associated with swindlers, as they often employ deception and dishonest tactics to attain what they seek, be it money, access to another individual's home, or material possessions. 

Although many of us are repulsed by their flagrant dishonesty and apparent lack of conscience, we continue to be allured by them, not only succumbing to their schemes as direct victims, yet also viewing them with a sense of awe. Although no one wishes to be conned nor decieved, we are perpetually mesmerized by a con artist's intelligence and gracefully adroit exercise of charisma to diminish the better judgement of even the most skeptical individuals. 

Despite this fascination, no one enjoys being deceived, and hence con artists are often reviled once their ruses are discovered and there victims left hurt, empty and vulnerable. Perhaps con artists are disdained since they are envied, since in a world sustained by persuaion, and instictual intelligence they have managed to surive in a manner in which most of us can only dream. 

Perpahs we despise con artists for the same reason that we are allured by them initially, since they convince us to grant them access beyond our inhibitions and reservations to reach our trust, that intimate place in our hearts that we only ever allow few to inhabit.

 In a world of emotional distance and seemingly insurmountable boundaries, we simultaneously revile and laud con artists for seeming to reach and touch us intimately, in a manner that we never expected and never dared to hope. 

Con artists leave us feeling vulnerable, violated and exposed, yet they also remind us of our collective humanity and how accessible we truly are to one another.

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