Sunday, September 24, 2017


We all like to meet good people,  have good people  around us and be like good people.   And that is fine, infact more than fine.  For who wouldn't like that except for insane people.  Nobody, absolutely nobody,  wants or likes bad people.  Why would they?   No single reason, even though we ourselves may sometimes be bad.

Contrary  to bad people, good people are not much of a learning  material.  All that we learn from them is how to be good and more and more good and continue being good.  

It is the bad people who teaches us the very important lessons of life.  Patience and tolerance  are the key lessons we learn from them.  To differentiate between good and bad, how people feel about you when you are bad, how you make people uncomfortable,  how you have to swallow your anger, how you learn to ignore and eschew and above all how to deal with difficult situations.  

We are challenged in so many ways by bad people that eventually we emerge 
very confident, strong and brave.  We have learnt our lessons well enough to undergo tests and trials in life.  They are an important  component of life who carve us, polish us and make us lose our sense to replace them with wisdom.  

Bad people are not so bad "after all."  They are the ones who teach us to be good.  


  1. I agree and more, with bad people around we have a taste of tight rope walking, which is fun! Further, good and bad are reletive and all people are multidimensional. So called people are rather dull and one sided!

    1. Thanks a lot for your valuable comment. Yes you are right.

  2. Totally agree. All these bad things or people do come in our lives to make us stronger and stronger. ... more patient and more tolerant
