Sunday, September 24, 2017

Just TWO too easy steps to GOOD DEEDS ! Part Ii

Good deeds are not hard to find.  Very true.  But, they are not too noticeable too.  One needs to know WHERE and HOW to find them.  

Here are TWO, just two very easy, simple, short and direct methods that point nowhere but towards GOOD DEEDS :

Lets get started  !

1.     Good deeds begin where bad deeds end.  At once, bid farewell to bad deeds.  Do nothing, NOTHING, but do not do anything bad or harmful or damaging or negative.  STOP IT ! Any bad deed, no matter how invisible it may look, causes damage which could destroy someone,  somewhere and somehow.

2.  Start goods deeds no matter how small,  insignificant and microscopic they may seem.  Do not underestimate any good deed.  What may appear a tiny speck to us may be big and important enough to change someone's life.  

All one needs to do is Stop to Start !  How hard can that be. Brake gradually to STOP and accelerate eventually to START !

You are on the track......the right track...on your way to good deeds.  Don't stop !  Keep going !